Finding great low cost product sources such as this, will add tremendous profit to your ebay auction bottom line This simple technique to gaining entrance to these sometimes hidden departments is a great way to make money on eBay.There is a term called "jobber" in
retail distribution world, basically this is an individual or business that is accepted at retail distribution centers to purchase a truckload or more of discontinued goods.
Simple Steps to achieve this.
1. Contact
major retail distribution warehouses for any of
large retailers and arrange to talk with
Return Merchandise person in charge of "Load Jobbers". These warehouses can be so immense that they can accommodate 60 or more "jobber’s" who pick up goods on a daily basis.
2. Explain that your business is selling liquidation. Be brief and confident, you don’t have to go to specifics. Their job is to move
old stock out of
centers, you will help them accomplish this.
Here is a simple technique to get your foot in
door even if
company states they are not looking for any additional