How to aces the gold mine inside yourself

Written by Llewellyn Fleurs

The Power of Impractical Ideas

When thinking about success in life, I asked myself what isrepparttar main thing that has held me back. If you had to trace all your major successes and failures, what isrepparttar 128536 one thing that you feel causedrepparttar 128537 difference between succeeding and failing?

If you really look deep inside yourself, you will realise one surprising thing. It is: you have probably had many ideas on how to improve your life. If you are anything like me, though, you probably never made a start on most of them!

Why is this? The reason, of course, is that we dismiss most of our ideas as impractical, unworkable and impossible. "This idea would work if I had capital, time and business ability" or "People like me should not think of impractical ideas like this." You get repparttar 128538 idea....

When thinking about verysuccessful people, one thing stands out.....a lot of these people risked and even failed a lot before they succeeded. Thomas Edison apparently made over 1000 failed attempts to createrepparttar 128539 electric lightbulb. Not once though did he dismissrepparttar 128540 idea as impractical or impossible. He, of course, eventually did it.

Another example isrepparttar 128541 life of Sir Richard Branson, owner of Virgin. After high school he decided to start a mail-order record company. His 2 close friends thought he was crazy, but had nothing better to do! They are now directors in Virgin, and are thanking their decision to go along with Sir Richard's "impractical idea".

A lot of modern life is run by things that were formerly thought of as impractical. Television, computers,repparttar 128542 internet. Even a simple thing like a car manufacturer coming out with a new car is impractical. Why shouldrepparttar 128543 manufacturer spend millions when there are so many cars already onrepparttar 128544 market?

No Regrets

Written by Laurie Hayes

It's never too late to pursue a dream and inrepparttar words of one of my favorite authors, Wayne Dyer, "Don't die with your music still in you." If you have a dream, pursue it, and don’t let anyone or anything get in your way. The only thing that will truly stop you IS you.


A few years ago, I decided to pursue my dream of being a dancer. I was 37 years old and being a dancer was on my list of things to do before I die, so I thought I'd better get cracking before osteoporosis or some other age-related malady took hold of my body.

My goal was not to become a Vegas showgirl or to star inrepparttar 128533 next Flash Dance, but to learn how to dance and perform on stage … just once.

I attended dance classes every week without fail for 10 months and hipped and hopped until I almost dropped.

Soon June rolled around and my group was scheduled to perform in two year-end recitals.

I tossed aroundrepparttar 128534 idea of quitting to avoid making a fool of myself on stage, but I had put myself into this situation for a reason.

I sought outrepparttar 128535 support of friends who I knew would encourage me and not let me back out.

They told me all ofrepparttar 128536 things I needed to hear ... I was good, I hadrepparttar 128537 moves, I could have been a professional! (Thank goodness for friends with a lot of hot air and big hearts!)

Thanks torepparttar 128538 encouragement of my friends and 13-year old niece who wanted to see "Auntie shake her groove thing," I went ahead withrepparttar 128539 commitment to perform on stage.

Because I knew I was going to be on display for so many eyes, I turned uprepparttar 128540 volume on my practicing. I performed my routine over and over again on my back lawn, in my basement, in my garage, at work in my office.

I couldn't remember more than two or three combos to save my life and wanted to back out.

It was thenrepparttar 128541 big guns had to be drawn. My husband stepped in.

He assured me I was nervous and fearful and that failure was an illusion I had created for myself; that I was sabotaging my goal and blowing everything out of proportion.

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