How to Write Your News Release

Written by George Torok

Follow this step-by-step process to write and expose your news.


Call it a 'News Release', 'News Bulletin' or 'Announcement'. 'Press Release' sounds like propaganda.

Add, 'For immediate use'. This implies urgency. It also allows them some choice on when to run it. Ifrepparttar news is date sensitive state 'for use before' or 'for use after'.

Fax or mail? If urgent - fax. But to get noticed mail it. They get a lot of junk mail and junk fax. The fax junk looks too much alike. If you mail it you have a chance to get attention withrepparttar 119814 colour and feel ofrepparttar 119815 paper. Send it on good quality paper with your logo. That could be your letterhead.

Don't address it to 'newsroom' or 'editor'. That'srepparttar 119816 same as 'occupant'. Instead address it to a person. Get their name.

Make it easy to read. Maximum one page. Use easy to read font. Twelve point size Times Roman works well. Add a little spice by bolding key names - but sprinkle lightly. Italics draws attention but is hard to read. Use capitals and small letters - don't printrepparttar 119817 whole thing in capital letters. That is extremely difficult to read. Keep paragraphs and sentences short. Double spacing is best.

Make it clear whomrepparttar 119818 release is from. Lead with city and date ofrepparttar 119819 release. This gives perspective. Atrepparttar 119820 bottom ofrepparttar 119821 page state, 'The end' or '- 30-' Show contact name(s) and phone number(s) clearly atrepparttar 119822 bottom or top ofrepparttar 119823 page.

Make sure those contacts receive a copy ofrepparttar 119824 release and that they will be available and prepared to talk torepparttar 119825 press when called. Impress on those contacts thatrepparttar 119826 press need speedy responses to make their deadlines.


Start with a strong title. A subtitle is not necessary ifrepparttar 119827 title is strong. Study newspaper headings for ideas. Examinerepparttar 119828 style ofrepparttar 119829 target media you are trying to reach to get ideas.

You have only one chance to hook them withrepparttar 119830 title. If you do not, they will not read any further. One glance atrepparttar 119831 headline is how they previewrepparttar 119832 release. There must be words, themes, companies, personalities or issues inrepparttar 119833 title that slows their glance enough to invite them to readrepparttar 119834 first paragraph.

The first sentence must grab them. Rework that first sentence untilrepparttar 119835 first few words or evenrepparttar 119836 first word pullsrepparttar 119837 reader in.

The first paragraph is important. It should contain your most important message. If they read that far - it is what draws them intorepparttar 119838 story. Write that first paragraph as if that might berepparttar 119839 only paragraph they print.

Follow withrepparttar 119840 next points in order of decreasing importance. Assume that they might chop it after any paragraph. Write each paragraph applyingrepparttar 119841 same approach to your sentences. If they only print one sentence make thatrepparttar 119842 first sentence.

What's Your NICHE Market – III ?

Written by Gillian Tarawhiti

What effect arerepparttar baby boomers having onrepparttar 119813 economy I hear you ask. Folks, in 2005,repparttar 119814 economy ISrepparttar 119815 boomers!

Boomers representrepparttar 119816 vast majority ofrepparttar 119817 work force. There are 76 million of boomers inrepparttar 119818 US alone; they ARErepparttar 119819 economy. (That is not an exaggeration; that is a statistical reality.) Baby Boomers represent only 28 percent ofrepparttar 119820 US population – yet they represent 50 percent ofrepparttar 119821 economy.

The Baby Boomers are obviously aging and because of this are willing to spend anything to stay young, healthy and full of vitality.

So keeping this in mindrepparttar 119822 NICHE market to take full advantage of (drum roll please) isrepparttar 119823 Wellness Industry.

According to research,repparttar 119824 wellness industry is headed for over ONE TRILLION dollars byrepparttar 119825 year 2010. This wellness movement will surpassrepparttar 119826 dot com revolution.

Paul Zane Pilzer Economic Advisor to two presidential administrations and three-times New York Times best-selling author explains The Wellness Revolution.

“The boom inrepparttar 119827 Wellness Business is ready to explode in a way never before in our history. At over 12 billion dollars inrepparttar 119828 U.S.A. and Canada this is justrepparttar 119829 tip of an ever-growing iceberg.”

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