How to Write A Follow Up Message

Written by Beka Ruse

Smart marketers know that follow up autoresponders drive sales. But, many don't know how to writerepparttar e-mail messages they need in order to use these tools.

Don't let that keep you from increased profits! Write masterful messages with these simple steps:

* Pullrepparttar 121499 Reader in * Introducerepparttar 121500 Product * Explainrepparttar 121501 Product's Significance * Tellrepparttar 121502 Reader to Make a Purchase

(Examples in this article userepparttar 121503 fictional product "Green Garden Lawn Fertilizer". Any similarity to actual products is unintended and coincidental.)

-------------------------- PULL THE READER IN --------------------------

First, convince your audience that your text is worth reading. Make your first sentence or two very interesting: Make a bold statement, say something seemingly ridiculous, or appeal to your prospect's emotional side. Later, tie this grabber in withrepparttar 121504 rest of your copy. For instance:

"Want to make your neighbors jealous? How about with a lush, green lawn in just 2 weeks?"

-------------------------- INTRODUCE THE PRODUCT --------------------------

What isrepparttar 121505 product you're advertising? What does it do? Directly after your grabber, give a compact explanation of your product. Keep this explanation short, while still being very clear. For example:

"Green Garden Lawn Fertilizer is takingrepparttar 121506 landscaping industry by storm. What else can give yourepparttar 121507 lawn of your dreams in just 15 minutes a day?"

-------------------------- EXPLAIN THE PRODUCT'S SIGNIFICANCE --------------------------

What will it do for me? This isrepparttar 121508 time for details - make this section long and rich. Suggest a variety of product uses, and give examples. Makerepparttar 121509 most of this opportunity to directly target your unique audience! Clearly explain how your readers will benefit from your product.

-------------------------- TELL THE READER TO MAKE A PURCHASE --------------------------

How to Structure a Follow Up Series

Written by Beka Ruse

Marketersrepparttar world over use follow up autoresponders to increase sales. But, many struggle to write a compelling message series. Don't let that keep you from your share ofrepparttar 121498 profits! Print and follow these instructions; you'll soon be following up with finesse.

(Examples in this article userepparttar 121499 fictional product "Green Garden Lawn Fertilizer". Any similarity to actual products is unintended and coincidental.)

-------------------------- MESSAGE 1 - BIG BENEFITS --------------------------

Many ofrepparttar 121500 sales resulting from your follow up series will come afterrepparttar 121501 very first message. Keep this message short. Just take 500 or so words to flesh out a handful of your biggest benefits. For example, part ofrepparttar 121502 Green Garden Lawn Fertilizer company's first message might read:

"A Lush Lawn: Green Garden Fertilizer will give you a lush lawn in just 2 weeks! Density will increase up to 50%...

"No More Brown: Watch your lawn become 3-5 shades greener with regular treatments..."

-------------------------- MESSAGE 2 - ESTABLISH A NEED --------------------------

Use your second message to explain why your product is necessary. First, lay outrepparttar 121503 situation leading to a need for your product. Then, show that your product will meet that need. For instance:

"...Lawns acrossrepparttar 121504 country are looking dull. Homeowners water and mow to no avail. But, not those who use Green Garden Fertilizer! They've created lush, beautiful lawns..."

-------------------------- MESSAGE 3 - TOOL TALK --------------------------

In your third message, showrepparttar 121505 lead how he will go about actually using your product. Detail any tools or supporting material that you offer. Inrepparttar 121506 case of our fictional Green Garden Fertilizer, part of this message might read:

"...This treatment is a cinch: Simply attachrepparttar 121507 included diffuser torepparttar 121508 end of your garden hose, creating a sprinkler. Runrepparttar 121509 sprinkler for 15 minutes each week. You will see an improvement after just one treatment!"

-------------------------- MESSAGE 4 - THE WILDCARD --------------------------

Customize message four for your unique product. Try one of these ideas:

* Have a customer case study? This is a great place for it. * Selling complimentary products? Detail one of them here. * Selling a real-world product? Explain shipping / tracking now. * Have a bricks and mortar office? Inviterepparttar 121510 prospect to visit. Include directions. * Are you personally a visible part of your brand? Include your bio here.

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