How to Tune In Your Brain and Feel Motivated in Minutes

Written by Peter Murphy

Want to know how to run your brain and be more motivated?

Let me tell you a true story...

One day when I was in school, many years ago,repparttar school principal wandered into our class room, sat down and started to talk.

He talked and talked and there was nothing we could do to stop him seeing as how he was in charge!

For once he actually said something that interested me and I never forgot what he said. Not because he was so original but because he wasrepparttar 129427 first person I heard saying it.

That day he spoke aboutrepparttar 129428 untapped potential ofrepparttar 129429 human mind and how we are all capable of so much more than we realize.

And how once you learn how to use more of this vast intelligence you can become much more successful.

This distinction has a special significance when it comes to motivating yourself. Because on those days when you are not motivatedrepparttar 129430 solution to your problems may seem elusive. Even though you are capable of handlingrepparttar 129431 situations you find yourself in.

If you could approach each day with an attitude of demanding more from yourself than anyone else ever would - you would be shocked at what you can achieve. You would be using more of your potential and making great progress.

Silly tasks you have to perform then become stepping stones to something far grander and problems become opportunities for you to grow and impress not only yourself but everyone else around you.

The challenge for you right now comes down to getting started.

How to Stay Motivated Despite Negative People

Written by Peter Murphy

Getting motivated is sometimes easy enough to do, at least for short periods of time, but staying motivated can be a lot harder to do.

And when you add intorepparttar mixrepparttar 129425 presence of negative people it is really not surprising that your motivation can fizzle out despite your best intentions.

What can you do?

1. Do Not Discuss Your Dreams with Negative People

Only share your hopes, dreams and goals with people who will be supportive of your plans. Making your dreams come true is like tending to a garden.

You have to giverepparttar 129426 plantsrepparttar 129427 nutrients, water and sunlight they need to grow i.e. for you this means -repparttar 129428 resources, mental focus and energy to create something new.

And you have to pay constant attention to weeding and eradicating bugs that will over run your garden if you are not vigilant. i.e. protect your dreams from negative people by not exposing your plans to their toxic words and thoughts.

2. When You Get Stuck Seek Advice from People Who Can Help

Very often when you get stuck you will turn to whoever is nearby for encouragement and advice. This can be a big mistake if that person has no vision and a limited sense of possibility.

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