How to Test Market for Free from Your Own Web Site

Written by JIM GREEN

Here’s a novel way of test marketing new produce for free from an existing web site. Mayberepparttar idea is not so new but it’s new to me and I know for a fact it works - because I tried it out andrepparttar 108794 results were spectacular.

In a nutshell…

Recently I developed five new interlinked products which I was loath to thrust upon an unsuspecting public without some idea of their uptake potential. I looked at several online test marketing software kits but baulked atrepparttar 108795 price tags. Then I decided to undertake a little experiment. I added two new pages to of whichrepparttar 108796 first was devoted to Product No.1 (which co-incidentally comprisesrepparttar 108797 other four) withrepparttar 108798 second page offering a free ebook extollingrepparttar 108799 virtues ofrepparttar 108800 new package. Bearing in mind that this new parcel was disparate from my core produce I featured these additional pages with navigation buttons entitled ‘WHAT’S THIS?’ and ‘AND THIS?’ Then as belt and braces security so as not to confuse visitors I explained in a regular page why I was doing this by coming up front and confessing that I was test marketing.

Better Than Sliced Bread...Drop Shipping The New Home Business Craze

Written by Tony Keeler

Many of you will probably rememberrepparttar days whenrepparttar 108793 only way to start a successful home business was to join some sort of multi-level marketing program or sell makeup at parties. In those days, people would have to buy a membership inrepparttar 108794 ‘program’ along with an inventory of sample products that they would then sell to friends and coworkers at ‘parties.’ Most people were not very successful at this and made very little money and usually alienated their friends and family. Inrepparttar 108795 1990’s however, all of that changed forrepparttar 108796 better withrepparttar 108797 advent ofrepparttar 108798 Internet and a retail delivery method called wholesale drop shipping.

Wholesale drop shipping is when a wholesale distributor or manufacturer agrees to send out single unit products to customers for a retailer. Many will also even includerepparttar 108799 retailers name onrepparttar 108800 invoice so thatrepparttar 108801 customer is never even aware that they got it from anyone else butrepparttar 108802 retailer. This, along withrepparttar 108803 Internet has changedrepparttar 108804 whole dynamics of home businesses in America, making it easier and more cost effective to start your own business.

Home business owners are now able to launch a business without purchasing any inventory up front and are able to open a ‘store’ without ever having to find a place to setup shop. Millions of Americans have setup ecommerce sites onrepparttar 108805 internet selling everything from Personal Computers to lawn care equipment all using wholesale drop shipping. As a matter of fact, according to eBay over forty thousand people make their full time living on their auction site alone; many of these are using drop shipping as their main method of product fulfillment.

The only problem for today’s small business owner is how to find wholesalers to drop ship. In general wholesale distributors don’t make it a habit of getting out there and advertising; obviouslyrepparttar 108806 whole reason they are in wholesale and not retail is to get away from doing all of that work. So it makes it very difficult for someone who has little or no business experience to make contacts with distributors when they aren’t even sure where to start looking.

To help out those small business owners I’d like to offer some advice for finding wholesale distributors: §Look for trade organizations and magazines to help you make contacts. Many trade organizations out their produce some sort of listings of their members, many of whom may drop ship. §Contact manufacturers. People don’t realize that if you callrepparttar 108807 manufacturer they will provide you with a list of their distributors; so if you are looking for a particular product, askrepparttar 108808 manufacturer. The down side of this route is that they may have hundreds of distributors that you may have to contact before you find one that is willing to drop ship. §Find wholesale chat rooms and message boards. There are many message boards onrepparttar 108809 Internet today that are devoted to a wide range of discussions. You may find boards on wholesale, distribution, supply chain, etc. All of these may lead you inrepparttar 108810 direction of a wholesale distributor.

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