How to Survive Killer A.I.D.S. On the Internet

Written by Douglas P. Blackthrone

No apology for writing this ... it is an imperative duty under present conditions.

by Dr. Douglas P. Blackthrone

Though easier and perhaps far better, not to begin at all, yet if a beginning is made it is there that most care is needed. Everything is inherent in a genesis. So I will recordrepparttar simple genesis of this affair as a modern day observation of life as it has become … infected with A.I.D.S.

It is customary, I have noticed, in publishing any thoughts to conclude it with some sort of apology; inrepparttar 100539 form of a disclaimer or statement of no account-ability.

But there are times, and surely present-day is one of them, when to do so is manifestly unnecessary.

In an age as we watch:

*** every standard of decent conduct, business and life itself having either been torn down or threatened with destruction;

*** when married men and women,repparttar 100540 heads of households, prefer to allow their kid's hero to have magical powers rather then good common sense, intelligence and thought;

*** when quite young girls with deep personal problems are showcased as teen role models and even, I am assured,

sometimes young boys as well;

*** when mature women,repparttar 100541 mothers of these unhappy children, enterrepparttar 100542 race forrepparttar 100543 all mighty dollars and cents - instead of nurture their offspring and family;

*** and when every newspaper, TV and computer screen is daily reporting scenes of violence, divorce, parents on strike and be something your not with no effort;

- - - Then it is obviously a task, not to be justifiably avoided, to place some higher example beforerepparttar 100544 world.

For some time - I am now mid-forties – have I been sensing this with increasing urgency. And when not only my wife and four co-workers, but 3 fellow business associates, approached me with like suggestions, I felt that delay would amount to wrongness.

That wrongness, by many persons, is now lightly regarded, I am, of course, only too well aware. That its very existence is denied or easily dismissed by others is a fact equally familiar. But I am not one of them. On every ground I am an unflinching opponent of wrongness. I continually redirected it in others. I strictly attempt to refrain from it in myself. And for that reason alone I have deemed it incumbent upon me to issue these thoughts and insights.

The wrongness of which I speak isrepparttar 100545 growing misrepresentation of business entrepreneurial thought, action and ultimately account-ability. Wrongness not fromrepparttar 100546 point of view of mistakes being made from time to time, but wrongness inrepparttar 100547 form people attempting to do things they have no experience, idea or knowledge of what they are doing.

A modern day epidemic I deem as Internet A.I.D.S. forrepparttar 100548 basic fact that as our modern day Internet allow faster, more wide spread and anonymous business growth. Any one who can copy an e-mail, followrepparttar 100549 herd mentality of an affiliate program or put up a website while being paid for their time at another’s place of business … can deem themselves an entrepreneur with little or no account-ability to themselves or any one else in doing so.

Successful Print Advertising Designs

Written by Lala C. Ballatan

Do you often see print advertisements outdoors, as much as you see Web advertisements when you surf throughrepparttar Web? I’m pretty sure that you have entirely different views and reactions upon seeing and actually taking notice to these two different kinds of advertising. The differences may vary in their use of color, typefaces, and space.

Whatever elserepparttar 100538 difference is between Print Ads and Web Ads, many would still preferrepparttar 100539 traditional print advertisements in order to promote their business, products or services. Not all people have access torepparttar 100540 Web, such that Print Ads are still widely used and appreciated. It is also practical for a short-term marketing plan or strategy.

Do you know what makes successful print advertisements? Here are several useful things to remember if you are launching a Print Ad: •Take advantage of a small space by not crowding too much information into it. Leave a white space which can actually lead your reader torepparttar 100541 important information. •Ads with large photos or illustrations of merchandise get higher readership and appreciation than those with small illustrations or no art. •People do not actually read your copy, but take a look at your visuals. Thus, make your photographs or illustration occupy at least half of your entire Ad. •You must know now how your readers read, so that you could strategically place your content and not be left unread.

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