How to Survive Christmas using the Tarot

Written by Toni Allen

Christmas,repparttar season of goodwill and cheer is nearly upon us. Whether one loves it or hates it there is no avoiding it. Many people try to escape it by flying off to sunny seasides in an attempt to rid themselves of tinsel mayhem and misery. Yet try as they might they are still dealing with Christmas, still acknowledging its inevitable existence and making plans to avoid it.

It's around this time of year, late October, maybe a little earlier, when Christmas starts to show itself in many, many readings. What I'd like to share with you are which key tarot cards to look out for that can depict Christmas, andrepparttar 122257 type of events going on around it.

One ofrepparttar 122258 most pertinent tarot cards for depicting Christmas isrepparttar 122259 Ten of Coins as it symbolises what I callrepparttar 122260 "hierarchical family". This is Mum, Dad, brothers and sisters, grannies and grandads, aunts and uncles,repparttar 122261 cat,repparttar 122262 dog,repparttar 122263 new boyfriend,repparttar 122264 difficult wife,repparttar 122265 screaming babies,repparttar 122266 noisy toddlers andrepparttar 122267 long lost relatives. If they are in any way related to your family, whether through blood or marriage, then they are symbolised byrepparttar 122268 ten of coins.

The Ten of Coins tarot card not only depictsrepparttar 122269 people but alsorepparttar 122270 family values, beliefs and dynamics. This, along withrepparttar 122271 actual people, is what starts to become important when predicting what type of Christmas any individual is likely to experience. One member ofrepparttar 122272 family might desire a traditional Christmas dinner while another might want something less exacting.

The next most important card isrepparttar 122273 Nine of Cups. This tarot card symbolises parties and get togethers in which people generally have a few drinks, socialise, and are friendly and animated.

Putrepparttar 122274 Ten of Coins together withrepparttar 122275 Nine of Cups and we find a lovely fun filled Christmas.

Next one needs to take into consideration which family member this reading is for, what part are they playing inrepparttar 122276 family festivities?

One woman hadrepparttar 122277 Ten of Batons leading up torepparttar 122278 Ten of Coins andrepparttar 122279 Nine of Cups. The Ten of Batons in Tarot symbolises excessive burdens and responsibilities, running around after other people and forgetting about oneself. This woman wasrepparttar 122280 mother of all mothers, from October until early January busy shopping, cooking and organising so that her extensive family could have a wonderful Christmas. When I suggested that she might wish to sharerepparttar 122281 burden she came up with two comments: that she preferred to have people come to her home, and that she wasrepparttar 122282 only one who was capable and that no-one else would bother.

Looking at Christmas from another perspective was a reading for a woman whose sister-in-law was much likerepparttar 122283 previous woman. She had her Christmas day shrouded byrepparttar 122284 Three of Coins reversed. This card symbolises being weak willed and subservient, an unwilling servant who does not haverepparttar 122285 ability to stand up for their own needs. "My husband wouldn't dare defy his sister and not go to her Christmas do," she said wearily. "I just keep quiet and get on with it."

There are many other characters within any family, here are just a few examples of what I have seen, and what kind of gifts they might, or might, not appreciate.

The Queen of Swords: This card is traditionally "The divorced, widowed, embittered woman." Around Christmas time she generally shows her face asrepparttar 122286 unpopular wife of a much loved son,repparttar 122287 mother-in-law, or a much older woman, such as a grandmother, who is on her own in life. Gift type: Usually this type of person is never satisfied with anything. If you give them a gift voucher they say you haven't bothered, if you take flowers they complain that they will die and shed upon their floor. Best to take them a bottle of wine and get them drunk. This might exacerbate their poison tongue but it might also send them to sleep.

The Queen of Cups: This isrepparttar 122288 tarot card ofrepparttar 122289 perfect mother and good cook! Gift type: Take her something personal and special. She has enough pots and pans and homely type things, so something beautiful that she wouldn't buy for herself. Anything from perfume, to a silk scarf, to a pamper day at a local health farm.

How to develop Psychic Abilities

Written by Universal Psychic Guild

Withrepparttar pressures and stresses of modern society, we are increasingly find it more difficult to slow downrepparttar 122256 mental activity of our conscious mind. A psychic is able to divertrepparttar 122257 conscious mind and begin to focus onrepparttar 122258 sub conscious.

Our conscious mind often holds on to range of pre-conceived ideas and conditioning that we have received throughout our lives. With allrepparttar 122259 pressures of day to day life we find it difficult to focus on anything else but our immediate problems and needs and our minds are full of thoughts.

A psychic hasrepparttar 122260 ability to tap intorepparttar 122261 sub-conscious and connect withrepparttar 122262 universe to sense, see and often hear messages fromrepparttar 122263 spirit world. Many people have had varies psychic experiences but have put it down to coincidence or good luck. Some people who mediate regularly and are able to slowrepparttar 122264 conscious mind often comment on how they have felt a connection withrepparttar 122265 universe whilst others have been able to “see” in their minds visions of places and people.

Some psychics have maintained their abilities through out their childhood, teenage years and adult hood whilst others develop it further in later life.

The psychic can divertrepparttar 122266 conscious mind and contactrepparttar 122267 sub conscious mind, which allows them to concentrate onrepparttar 122268 Universal consciousness. Within this cosmic force much ofrepparttar 122269 information from past, present and future is available for those who wish to access it.

For many of us Psychics are looked upon as people with a gift of seeing intorepparttar 122270 future. Some of them are viewed with a sense of awe while onrepparttar 122271 other hand others view psychics with suspicion and caution. The fact is that we are all made fromrepparttar 122272 same source and can all develop different talents if we choose to. It depends on what talents and abilities we are conscious of and what our beliefs are. Some people believe that psychic abilities do not really exist for anyone and they therefore would ignore any form of intuition, impression or gut reactions. But for others they believe in that these abilities are available and are ready to accept and believe in their intuition and gut reactions much more readily. The more we accept and react to somethingrepparttar 122273 more it begins to happen to us andrepparttar 122274 more confident we become with it. Ofcourse different abilities vary from person to person and so to do beliefs. If something has never happened to you it is hard to believe it is true. But for those who believe and act on their impressions there is a huge ocean of knowledge available to them and once tapped and utilised this knowledge becomes stronger and more readily available We have all fallen silently and stared in space duringrepparttar 122275 day. Some people call it day dreaming but there are no thoughts present in our conscious mind. We are awake and in some cases still aware of our surrounds but we have no thoughts flicking backwards and forth in our minds. This isrepparttar 122276 state in which we are able to “pick up” a range of messages.

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