How to Stay Positive... Avoid Negative People

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Have you noticed how you feel when you're around positive people? You feel uplifted, refreshed and energised. You learn that life is what you make it and that you make your own 'luck'. Consequentlyrepparttar opposite is true when you're unfortunate to be with negative people. They drain your energy, are usually unhappy and seem to attract sickness and misfortune in their lives.

Gail's Story

Gail is a friend of mine and she was relating to me forrepparttar 103461 hundredth time aboutrepparttar 103462 situation her brother was in. Gary is a nice enough guy. He's hardworking, honest and a good father His only flaw is that he is extremely negative. After a five minute conversation with him, you feel like you've been hit by a bus. He hasrepparttar 103463 knack of sapping up your energy due to his negativity.

It's interesting how Gary's life has turned out. He has owned a number of businesses and none of them have been successful. He constantly gets sick and so do his two children. He's been married twice and is nearly ready to tierepparttar 103464 knot again. What he doesn't realise is that he'srepparttar 103465 problem and that it doesn't matter how many times he gets married, his attitude will follow him and continue to create challenges in his life until he works on himself.

Gary blames all his woes on everyone and everything else except himself. He also has a couple of very negative friends whom he loves being around which doesn't help him whatsoever as they all commiserate with each other. Asrepparttar 103466 saying goes 'misery loves company'.

Gary has never done any personal development and when you bring that up with him he always scoffs atrepparttar 103467 idea believing that he doesn't need it.

Gail has tried to get Gary to seerepparttar 103468 light and do some work on himself yet he refuses to listen. As I've often said to Gail, you cannot change Gary but you can change your behaviour.

Instead of listening to him moan and groan about how hard life is, perhaps it was time she told himrepparttar 103469 honest truth and offer some solutions to him atrepparttar 103470 same time. If he takes no action, then she'd be best to spend as little time as possible around him otherwise she will continue to be affected by his negative attitude.

A Negative Attitude - The Reasons Many People Are Poor

Inrepparttar 103471 newsletter, The Trident, written by well-known professional investor Lance Spicer ,there was an article which illustrated why many negative people are poor.

Briefly, he received a letter from a lady stating that she had been sentrepparttar 103472 wrong order. His company immediately sentrepparttar 103473 correct book and a note apologising and asking thatrepparttar 103474 book be returned and they would pay all costs for its return.

6 Surefire Ways to Achieve Your Goals for 2005

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Hope you had a good rest and are all fired up forrepparttar year ahead.

Whilst you were sitting onrepparttar 103460 beach or lazing around during your time off, which ofrepparttar 103461 following changes to your life did you decide to make this year?

To haverepparttar 103462 body of Elle McPherson or Nathan Buckley Find a stimulating job Take up a sport or hobby Buy your dream home Travel to an exotic destination Have more time with your family Establish your own business Double your income Become involved inrepparttar 103463 community Develop your creativity Improve your skills Create a plan for your financial future Have more fun Enhance your current relationship or find a new partner All ofrepparttar 103464 above To help you channel your energy into achieving this year's goals, here are some practical ways to get started. After all, there is no reason why you shouldn't start immediately, is there?

How to Get Started

1. Write a list of what you want to achieve this year. 2. Make sure what you've written down is specific, measurable and attainable. e.g. Lose 5 kgs . 30/2/05. 3. Write no.1 againstrepparttar 103465 most important goal. Write no.2 againstrepparttar 103466 next most important goal.

Continue numberingrepparttar 103467 rest ofrepparttar 103468 goals.

4. Look atrepparttar 103469 goal with no.1 next to it. i.e. lose 5 kilos. Start a separate list withrepparttar 103470 heading . .. Lose 5 kilos. by 28/2/05 5. Write downrepparttar 103471 action steps you need to take to achieve this goal:

a. Join gym b. Decide which specific days and times you will attend c. Purchase gym gear d. See nutritionist

6. Enterrepparttar 103472 action steps into your diary/electronic organiser onrepparttar 103473 day(s) you will do these:

Jan 15th - join gym Jan 16th - book nutritionist Attend gym Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 6.00 a.m. Ensure when you book time for yourself in your diary you treat it as a top priority. Unless there is an earthquake or equally devastating disaster occurring, keep that time sacred.

To ensure your goals are achieved it is imperative to write them down and then planrepparttar 103474 appropriate steps to take in your diary. Otherwise your goals could end up being wishful thinking!

Goal/Dream Chart Having visual reminders is a great way to prompt and keep you motivated to follow through. Cut out a picture ofrepparttar 103475 body you'd like to have from a magazine and stick a photo of your head on top of it. Alternatively if you want to recapturerepparttar 103476 way you were some time ago, find an old photo of yourself. You can place these on your desktop, car dashboard andrepparttar 103477 fridge at home.

Do this for your other goals (minusrepparttar 103478 head). In fact having a dream chart with pictures or words ofrepparttar 103479 things you want to achieve is a great stimulus for your sub-conscious mind. Sticking these reminders onto green paper is even more effective. I have one of these in my office and guess what? It actually works!

Action Is The Key Once you've identified what you want, written it down, planned when you will take action and done your goal/dream chart, nothing will happen unless you get off your butt and take action towards those goals.

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