How to Slay the Dragon

Written by Pamela Geiss

There is a dragon, you know. It'srepparttar dragon of self-doubt. Somewhere in your brain is a little dragon with a BIG voice that keeps telling you, "You can't build a business online! What makes you think you can be rich? Who inrepparttar 120934 world do you think you are, anyway - a guru?"

And, to make matters worse, there's your spouse, loved ones, significant other, and friends agreeing with this dragon. And then there's you, not making any money, or making less than you spent or getting scammed in yet one more program that promised yourepparttar 120935 end ofrepparttar 120936 rainbow pot of gold.

So, what's a person to do? To begin with, you have to work to slay that dragon. The human brain is a magnificent thing. It will work to find whatever is necessary to fulfill whatever destiny you program into it. If you are programming self-doubt, it will work to make that self-doubt a reality. If you don't believe you can be successful, it will make you do things to make that a reality.

Most ofrepparttar 120937 time, it's notrepparttar 120938 programs that don't work. It's notrepparttar 120939 advertising that doesn't work. It'srepparttar 120940 non- belief you have that makes it not work!

Think about this: When you were 5 and started pre-school, you were "gung-ho" about school. You couldn't wait to make friends, get good grades, learn. Right? Byrepparttar 120941 time you got torepparttar 120942 7th or 8th grade, you got dissillusioned and your grades began to fall. Even if your grades didn't fall, most everyone will admit they didn't do as well in school as they were capable of doing. But if you had been mature enough to set your goals and work to make it happen, do you think you could have done better?

The Synergysophy of Integrated Marketing Communication

Written by Tom Merilahti @ Synergialaitos

Synergy Integrated Marketing

Where chaos begins, classical science stops. There has always been ignorance about disorder inrepparttar atmosphere, inrepparttar 120933 turbulent sea, inrepparttar 120934 fluctuations of wildlife populations,repparttar 120935 oscillations ofrepparttar 120936 heart and brain......

Classical (Western) science isrepparttar 120937 science of logic, of linearity, of definitions. We believe that where ' classical science stops ',repparttar 120938 real fun begins. We want to explorerepparttar 120939 chaos of ideas that try to depict this adventurous century and formrepparttar 120940 roots ofrepparttar 120941 century ahead. Because we believe that withinrepparttar 120942 chaos patterns can be found. And these patterns will enablerepparttar 120943 formation of strategic thinking.

Names and Boxes

The classical method forrepparttar 120944 investigation of systems and processes is a flow chart - a network of discrete ' boxes ', each named, and connected together, in a hierarchy of ' decision '. Useful though this method may be, boxes often excluderepparttar 120945 very information that might be needed. And in a world where barriers are falling, frontiers collapsing, disciplines intermixing and culture going intorepparttar 120946 melting pot, these precise delineated boxes no longer reveal truths, they conceal them.

We prefer to think of a name, or a box, as a stone dropped into a lake of ideas. Each 'stone' produces concentric ripples which spread out and intersect with other ripples, creating complex patterns of interference - which might be called chaos. IT IS THE RESONATION OF IDEAS WITH EACH OTHER that interests us most of all. It is inrepparttar 120947 spaces betweenrepparttar 120948 boxes that excitement lies.


One basic law of organic evolution is ' increasing complexity '. Things never get easier. Onrepparttar 120949 other hand,repparttar 120950 simple smoothness of a pebble onrepparttar 120951 beach isrepparttar 120952 result of millions of frictional contacts with other pebbles inrepparttar 120953 surge and ebb ofrepparttar 120954 tides. Ideas become beautiful inrepparttar 120955 same way. Our ideas may one day be beautiful - but forrepparttar 120956 moment we are interested inrepparttar 120957 waves, notrepparttar 120958 beach. Not inrepparttar 120959 concrete, but inrepparttar 120960 ephemeral motion which isrepparttar 120961 result of conflicting energies.

Operational Research

Operational Research (OR) was a system devised during WW2 to solve unique problems of technology, logistics and strategy. Radar was one ofrepparttar 120962 hundreds of answers to vaguely positioned but urgent problems that OR produced.

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