How to Share Power in a Relationship: The Five Cs of CoCreation

Written by Paul & Layne Cutright

As a species, we are gradually moving from self-centered, adversarial uses of power to collectively sharing power forrepparttar mutual benefit of everyone. We are shifting from a paradigm characterized by “me or them” to “me and them.” We are lifting ourselves intorepparttar 129368 realm of co-creation. It's going to take more than good intentions for us to pull this one off. We're all going to have to learn to think and behave differently in our business-as-usual routines. We offer yourepparttar 129369 5 Cs of co-creation as a map for your exploration of this new and uncharted territory. Use them in working with other people, deciding how to proceed, and in resolving differences. COMMITMENT - Set your intention by deciding together what everyone wants to accomplish. Do you feel enthusiastic about this? Do you talk about it together often? What obstacles do you foresee, and how can you deal with them? COMMUNICATION - Createrepparttar 129370 environment for successful co-creation. Our relationships live in language, so what we talk about and how we talk about it determinesrepparttar 129371 emotional climate of our relationships. Does your communication style foster safety and creativity? Are you communicating readily, honestly, and openly? Are there things you are afraid to discuss that need to be discussed? Are there any recurrent communication breakdowns, and is there a strategy in place so they can be avoided inrepparttar 129372 future? Does your communication include acknowledgment and gratitude? Is everyone giving effective feedback? Are you communicating your unified purpose to others in inspiring and enthusiastic ways? COOPERATION – Cultivaterepparttar 129373 necessary attitude, where working together is motivated by an inner passion, not being forced by fear andrepparttar 129374 need to go withrepparttar 129375 flow of others' intentions. Are you able to find a common path through adversity, or is it everyone for themselves whenrepparttar 129376 going gets tough? Are there any competing egos vying forrepparttar 129377 spotlight atrepparttar 129378 expense of others? Are you clear onrepparttar 129379 benefits of cooperation in this creative endeavor? What is at risk if you don't cooperate? COLLABORATION – Use synergy so that everyone's ideas are vital torepparttar 129380 whole. Are you able to express your ideas freely, without fear of judgment or ridicule? As a group, are you asking BIG questions that bring forthrepparttar 129381 talent of everyone involved? Isrepparttar 129382 system in which you are working set up to receiverepparttar 129383 avalanche of creativity you can generate? COORDINATION - Synchronize action. What'srepparttar 129384 plan? Does everyone have an overview of how allrepparttar 129385 different parts are working together? Are you clear on individual areas of responsibility and accountability? What arerepparttar 129386 consequences, if any, for failure to perform? How often and in what form (phone, meetings, e-mail) do you need to communicate with one another in order to coordinate effectively?

The Top Ten Ways To Stop Procrastinating Now

Written by Kerul Kassel

10. Procrastination Condemnation - Loserepparttar Labels! All those things you call yourself, such as lazy, scattered, disorganized, not good enough, incompetent, or stupid, for example, aren’t helping you get things done, are they? You’ve learned to believe them, and you think they’ve become something of a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you look around yourself, though, you’ll see evidence that you can accomplish quite a number of things without delay.

9. Procrastination Exaggeration – Are you really procrastinating, or are you simply focusing on other priorities? It’s possible that those things you’re not doing shouldn’t get done until sometimes later, perhaps not at all. Focus on onlyrepparttar 129366 most significant areas first, andrepparttar 129367 rest will come.

8. Procrastination Temptation – If you hang out with people who coax you to procrastinate, it’s time to start surrounding yourself with better examples. If you know certain that situations are too enticing and will lure you from following through, create a work-around plan that will help you prevent yourself from “takingrepparttar 129368 bait”.

7. Procrastination Alienation – Recognize that you’re not alone, and are, in fact, in excellent company. Most people procrastinate about something, sometimes about many things. In a recent survey on procrastination, almost 1/3 of respondents who identified themselves as procrastinators had a post-graduation or higher education.

6. Procrastination Inclination – Atrepparttar 129369 moment you are about to procrastinate, stop for just a moment to acknowledgerepparttar 129370 pattern, even if you continue on to put off whatever you were going to do. Awareness and acceptance that these are your current patterns is a necessary step in procrastination extermination.

5. Procrastination Perspiration – You probably think thatrepparttar 129371 only way to stop procrastinating is to use will power and discipline. While that certainly can work, it can cost you a lot of energy and struggle. By allowing yourself to begin recognizing what is specifically inrepparttar 129372 way of following through, and creating simple new patterns, progress is pretty painless and immediate. For more information, sign up forrepparttar 129373 New Leaf Systems ezine at , andrepparttar 129374 soon-to-be-published book The Power of Procrastination.

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