How to Set Boundaries and Say No

Written by Joy Fisher-Sykes

We are constantly bombarded daily with requests for our time. While helping others can be very rewarding, atrepparttar same time we can feel distraught about constantly obligating ourselves to others while not fulfilling our own needs. We can feel distressed about constant commitments to do things we simply don’t haverepparttar 122940 time, energy or desire to do.

At times, we may immediately feelrepparttar 122941 urge to say no, but instead lose our courage, and concede yet again. The question is why? Is it because:

* You fear you won’t be liked or feel a strong need to please everyone * You have to always keeprepparttar 122942 calendar full so you feel needed and important * You undervaluerepparttar 122943 need for down time and forget simply not wanting to do anything is a legitimate reason to say no * You would rather not deal withrepparttar 122944 consequences of saying no and allrepparttar 122945 feelings that come with it.

Setting boundaries and saying no is taking personal responsibility for your well-being. This requires you to clearly speak up, and specifically ask for what you want. Your decision to say no to requests from family, friends, and co-workers doesn’t have to be filled with feelings of uneasiness and guilt. It fact, it’s important you rememberrepparttar 122946 decision to say no is strictly a personal choice – yours!

Whether at work, with family, or friends, you can say no with diplomacy, tact, and respect. Here some ways you can embrace your personal power and assert your right to say no.

Be sure you have allrepparttar 122947 facts Before making a commitment, be sure you have a complete understanding of exactly what’s being asked of you. You may feel confused because you just don’t have enough information to make a decision. You haverepparttar 122948 right to ask as many questions as necessary. Ask yourself “Is this a unreasonable request?” When someone makes a request, he or she is usually tuned into “WIIFM” (What’s In It For Me). People are not necessarily concerned with whether or not a request is in your best interest. If you feel hesitant, trapped or otherwise uncomfortable – go with your gut and say no. These uneasy feelings probably indicate saying yes isn’t best.

Success at Work : Techniques : A Cluttered Desk

Written by Stephen Bucaro

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Success at Work : Techniques : A Cluttered Desk

By Stephen Bucaro

I followed my boss to a co-worker's cubicle where my boss requested a certain document fromrepparttar 122941 co-worker. The actual surface ofrepparttar 122942 co-workers desk was not visible because it was covered with a cluttered pile of papers, catalogs, booklets, and other paraphernalia. I was prepared to see my co-worker embarass himself by not being able to locaterepparttar 122943 requested document in that messy pile.

Some people mistakenly think having a cluttered desk will trick their boss into thinking they are keeping busy. Instead, a cluttered desk makes your boss thinkrepparttar 122944 following:

- You are disorganized - You are a procastinator - you have poor time management skills - you have low productivity - You have lost control

My co-worker pushed his hand down into that cluttered mess and, to my amazement, instantly producedrepparttar 122945 requested document. Apparently this guy had a mental map ofrepparttar 122946 location of every item inrepparttar 122947 seemly disorganized pile on his desk. Maybe we misjudge people that keep a cluttered desk.

People think that a worker with a messy desk does messy work. Misjudgment or not, if you have a messy desk, your boss might not want to risk giving you an important assignment. You will get only low profile, boring grunt jobs. Fair or not, that'srepparttar 122948 way it is.

Things that clutter a desk:

- Pictures of family, pets, etc. - Trinkets, plants, figurines, signs - Food, cups, bowls, silverware, wrappers, crumbs

I'm not saying that you can't have any personal items on your desk. Displaying a family photograph givesrepparttar 122949 impression of a stable, reliable individual, but too many photograph's on your desk sendsrepparttar 122950 message that you would rather be somewhere else. A plant on your desk can make your cubicle seem less harsh, but too many plants makes people think that your hobby is taking over your cubicle.

Yes, it requires a little extra time and work up front to get organized, but inrepparttar 122951 long run, you'll make up that time. After you get organized, you'll work less to be more productive, and your work will much less stressful. One way to keep your desk neat is to block off 30 minutes each morning to organize your desk. Divide things into three categories:

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