How to Really Benefit from Associations (Part 1 of 3-Part Series)

Written by Diana Barnum

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How to Really Benefit from Associations (Part 1 of 3-Part Series)

Looking for new leads, new contacts, new business opportunities? Do what nine out of 10 adults do, according to a recent article byrepparttar 104019 American Society of Association Executives. Join an Association. Choose from over 130,000 associations inrepparttar 104020 United States alone that represent practically any industry at national, international, regional, state and local levels.

How can you reap benefits from association contacts?, an Ohio-based company that helps businesses worldwide with their marketing, public relations and freelance writing services, shared tips based on their own client projects and Association affiliations in a 3-part series:

·Part I: “How to Develop Industry Contacts” ·Part II: “Tips For Improved Networking in Associations” ·Part III: “Researching Associations in Your Industries”


1.Keep lists of industry associations that your company and clients are affiliated with handy.

2.Bookmarkrepparttar 104021 association websites and place their contact information in separate computer and print folders.

3.Contact all associations where appropriate and let them know that as a member and affiliate with your client who is a member, you’d like them to add your personal mailing info & email address to their member lists so that you get their member guides, newsletters, press releases & other announcements, etc.

4.Stay in touch monthly or bi-monthly with association contacts you meet either in person or viarepparttar 104022 phone, fax or email. Attend events when possible and volunteer on committees. When you can’t attend, ask for minutes ofrepparttar 104023 meetings or follow up inrepparttar 104024 next newsletter. Follow up & congratulate speakers & other (workshop) presenters; asked to be placed on their mailing lists, etc. Note that many groups still have difficulties with electronic communications, so reach out withrepparttar 104025 phone. Note: If emailing, keep your emails inrepparttar 104026 “Sent” folder until you hear back. If you don’t hear back, your email most probably never reachedrepparttar 104027 recipient, so call to touch base.

What is "Confianza" and Why is it Important?

Written by Anthony Griffin

What is Confinanza and Why is it Important?

Tried-and-true training methods can fail in a multi-cultural, multi-lingual environment, and can leave an unprepared trainer wondering what to do. In this article I share what I learned while leading a 24-hour team-building intervention, in Spanish, with a group of 20 managers, supervisors, and journeyman production employees ofrepparttar largest truck body manufacturing company inrepparttar 104018 western United States.

The client needed help coping with a rapid growth, customer demand for better quality, and employee resistance to changes necessary to meet customer needs.

Fromrepparttar 104019 start many of hourly workers expressed reluctance to “intrude” onrepparttar 104020 decision-making responsibilities of their bosses a common feature of work relationships in Latin American cultures. Decision-making and problem solving are perceived as management roles, and sharing power and authority was commonly seen by most participants as a sign of weakness, and therefore undesirable.

There were differences in cultural values and assumptions relating to such issues as: how time at work should be used, how power and authority should be exercised, how day-to-day relationships between peers should be carried out,repparttar 104021 appropriate exercise of discipline, perceptions aboutrepparttar 104022 formal and informal reward systems, how much participation in decision-making and problem-solving is appropriate and desirable for hourly employees, etc.

Only four ofrepparttar 104023 participants spoke English as their first language. The rest were native Spanish-speakers of Mexican ancestry. About 20 percent of them experienced difficulty in reading and writing Spanish.

This team was charged with learning new skills to apply and also to teach to these new skills to other employees.

Confianza and Other Lessons Learned

I had to adjust torepparttar 104024 language requirements andrepparttar 104025 difference in culture in order to makerepparttar 104026 training effective. These adjustments can be grouped underrepparttar 104027 following headings:

Build Trust The Spanish word “confianza” can be loosely translated as “trust.” Velasquez New Revised Spanish-English Dictionary (1974) also translates this word as “honest boldness, assurance, firmness of opinion,” as well as describing a relationship that permits a certain secretiveness and privacy. Confianza shapes working and organizational relationships, and extends torepparttar 104028 training arena: if confianza is not felt mutually between trainees and instructor,repparttar 104029 trainees will “shut down,” and learning will dramatically suffer.

The usual repertoire of training tools to elicit participation and involvement will likely fail when confianza is not present. This is particularly relevant for interpersonal communications skills training where such concepts and skills as providing relevant feedback, active listening, and self-disclosure are not only highly valued as elements of training design and delivery, but indeed are deemed by most training practitioners as fundamental to this type of training.

The instructor should avoid behaviors that participants may interpret as confrontational. Many Hispanics see confrontation as negative and potentially destructive it is likely to be viewed as a personal challenge and an exercise of power and dominance. It does not have an “up” side.

Avoidingrepparttar 104030 appearance of confrontation requiresrepparttar 104031 trainer to adopt a slower pace. It has been my experience that a typical “soft” skills training program is about 20 percent longer because ofrepparttar 104032 need to build trust gradually and to avoid any appearance of forcing people to participate.

Stress Basic Skills The training introduced skills such as active listening, conflict-resolution, and problem solving in teams. Instead of two or three practice sessions, I used as many as seven because ofrepparttar 104033 language barrier andrepparttar 104034 need to illustrate how cultural values affectrepparttar 104035 application ofrepparttar 104036 principles being taught.

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