How to Quickly and Easily Deal With Rude People

Written by Peter Murphy

Where I live there seems to be a a growing population of rude and vulgar people. And no matter how hard I wish for things to change it is not going to happen. It is up to me to change how I think and feel about these people. The same applies for you.

1 What does it mean when someone is rude?

Your initial angry reaction may be to thinkrepparttar person is a moron but that only makes matters worse as it will comes across inrepparttar 129705 way you talk.

I prefer to view such behavior as evidence thatrepparttar 129706 person is doingrepparttar 129707 best he can with what he has. This belief makes it easier for you to acceptrepparttar 129708 person even though you may not like his approach.

Look forrepparttar 129709 good in people and you are a lot more likely to find it.

2 Is it your fault?

When you encounter vulgarity it is worth pausing to ask yourself have you encouraged this behavior. Maybe you played along with this gutter talk inrepparttar 129710 past sorepparttar 129711 person thinks you do not mind it.

Or perhaps you have done something that has annoyedrepparttar 129712 person so much they cannot control their anger and annoyance.

Four Common Rapport Building Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Written by Peter Murphy

1 Pretending You Are Interested When You Are Not

Do yourself a favor and be honest with yourself andrepparttar people you spend time with. If you are really not interested inrepparttar 129703 topic of conversation say so.

If possible changerepparttar 129704 subject or simply postpone that particular conversation until another time.

Obviously if there is a danger of offendingrepparttar 129705 other person you will have to be less direct. In these situations it helps to find out right away whatrepparttar 129706 other person wants or expects from you. Ask!

The conversation will right away become very relevant to you and maintaining interest is a lot easier.

2 Disliking The Other Person

If you do not likerepparttar 129707 person you are talking to it will come across at some level. Ask yourself -- what could I like about this person? This will help put you in a better frame of mind.

And look for things you have in common by asking yourself - how is this person like me?

We all have something in common and commonality builds rapport. Look for it and you will find it.

If you mechanically attempt to get rapport with people while secretly disliking them you will never get that deep rapport you are aiming for. In fact if your focus is on how much you dislikerepparttar 129708 person you will not even want rapport and instead you will be setting yourself up for conflict.

3 Wanting Rapport With Everyone You Meet

I made this mistake when I first learned advanced communication skills.

All of a sudden, forrepparttar 129709 first time, I was able to get rapport with anyone I met. So I did.

And I recommend you dorepparttar 129710 same to a point. With one exception. There are some people you do not want to be getting deep rapport with.

Take someone who is like a raging bull with a deep resentment and hate for themselves and other people. Do you really want to feelrepparttar 129711 same way? If you get deep rapport you will feel some ofrepparttar 129712 same feelings.

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