How to Protect your Dog and Family from Roundworms.

Written by Jennifer Bryant

Nearly every puppy inrepparttar world is born with roundworms. This is becauserepparttar 125697 roundworm’s larvae are transmitted fromrepparttar 125698 mother torepparttar 125699 puppy while it is still inrepparttar 125700 womb. A female dog can harbor roundworms in her tissue, often making them immune to dewormings. The roundworms then haverepparttar 125701 opportunity to emerge during pregnancy throughrepparttar 125702 mother’s bloodstream and infectrepparttar 125703 unborn puppies. Roundworms can also be transmitted to newborn puppies throughrepparttar 125704 mother’s milk during nursing.

Roundworms are also easily transmitted to humans. Young children are most susceptible because they are always sticking their fingers in their mouths! Roundworms are transmitted to humans and dogs through eggs that are in a dog or puppy’s stool. They can either be ingested through direct eating ofrepparttar 125705 stool or by eating something else that has eatenrepparttar 125706 stool (the dog eats a bird, mouse, etc. that has eatenrepparttar 125707 dog’s stool).

Everyone should wash their hands frequently after handlingrepparttar 125708 puppy or dog and make sure that all feces is removed fromrepparttar 125709 yard and disposed of on a daily basis. Most infections in people are mild and cause no symptoms at all. However there have been cases of worms migrating torepparttar 125710 liver, brain, and eyes.

Symptoms of roundworms in humans include:


•Appetite Loss

•Difficulty Breathing









•Chest Pain

•Muscle Pain

Tips on Choosing a Boxer Dog...

Written by Daniel Lesser

An easier and more pleasant journey with your chosen Boxer starts with checking outrepparttar parent dogs for unbecoming traits like aggression, hyperactive and extreme shyness.

This is easier to do when you get your Boxer from a reputable breeder or from a pet shop that get their animals only from known breeders.

Exercise prudence if you are getting your Boxer puppy from pet stores, which often get their supply from breeders of unknown reputation.

These "puppy mills" as they are called are not known to put much emphasis onrepparttar 125696 quality and health of pups they are producing.

Reputable breeders would adhere torepparttar 125697 accepted standards for Boxers in terms of uniformity inrepparttar 125698 breed, good health, temperament, size and color.

Reputable breeders would be able to showrepparttar 125699 pedigree and registration papers and/or pictures ofrepparttar 125700 parent dogs that may reside somewhere else.

Professional breeders are also there to produce dog show champions or prospects.

Even if you are not looking to raise a show champion Boxer, known breeders can provide you with some "best buy" puppies because not allrepparttar 125701 puppies in a litter are show prospect/champion materials.

Butrepparttar 125702 full litter would have had benefited fromrepparttar 125703 same proven bloodlines, nutrition and medical care. So you can choose from amongrepparttar 125704 good-looking brothers or sisters of potential champion for a bargain.

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