How to Protect Your Family Against the Coming Pandemic

Written by John Hart

How to Protect Your Family Againstrepparttar Coming Pandemic by John Hart

Most dictionaries define pandemic as "an epidemic that is geographically widespread; occurring throughout a region or even throughoutrepparttar 114301 world."

Recently, Klaus Stohr,repparttar 114302 coordinator ofrepparttar 114303 global infuenza program atrepparttar 114304 World Health Organization predicted a bird flu pandemic that would take more lives thanrepparttar 114305 Spanish Flu of 1918 wherein 20-to-40 million perished.

He wasn'trepparttar 114306 only expert who pressedrepparttar 114307 panic button.

United States Health and Human Secretary, Tommy Thompson, said "This is a bomb that could impactrepparttar 114308 world."

Dr. Julie Gerberding, Director ofrepparttar 114309 Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia, issued a warning to physicians to be onrepparttar 114310 lookout for symptoms ofrepparttar 114311 avian influenza virus known as H5N1.

Even CIDRAP,repparttar 114312 Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy atrepparttar 114313 University of Minnesota is alarmed. They have this statement posted on their webiste: "Ifrepparttar 114314 next pandemic strain is highly virulent (such asrepparttar 114315 1918 strain)repparttar 114316 global death toll could be dramatic."

The current fatality rate in Southeast Asia is 73%.

Now forrepparttar 114317 really bad news.

Intelligent Weight Loss is as Simple as 1, 2, 3

Written by HSF Vitamins

"Intelligent Weight Loss is as Simple as 1, 2, 3" "Forgetrepparttar complex diets, weight loss is about intelligent and committed effort." 1. Focus your meals around lean sources of protein such as: white chicken and turkey meat, lean cuts of beef, egg whites, tuna and other fish, etc.

2. Don't be afraid of all fats. We've been brainwashed into thinking that all forms of fat inrepparttar 114300 diet are unhealthy and can lead to excess bodyfat. This simply isn't true. In fact, your body needs fat in order to burn fat, otherwise it will shift into preservation mode and attempt to maintain existing fat stores. It's true that you should watch your intake of saturated fat, but taking in so-called "good" fats (ie: those found in nuts, olive oil, flax seed, fish oils, etc.) can have a very positive effect on weightloss and overall health.

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