How to Profit From Fear and Greed

Written by Vincent Czaplyski

reed and fear may be just a couple ofrepparttar more unsightly blemishes onrepparttar 136445 underbelly ofrepparttar 136446 human psyche. But they're also two ofrepparttar 136447 greatest all time motivators ever invented. If you want your copy to sell, you need to understand how to put these powerful emotions to work for you in your written copy.

Greed and fear (and a whole bunch of their emotional first cousins) reside inside of everyone. They well torepparttar 136448 surface at different times and for different reasons in each of us. When they do, it's as if they grabbed us by our lapels and shook us to get our attention.

And getting your prospects' full attention is a must if you want them to reach for their wallets.

Here's an example of how this works.

Imagine you're walking all alone through a graveyard at night. The full moon disappears behind a cloud as a distant clock tower ominously strikes midnight. Suddenly you hear what sounds like a large stone slab scraping against stone. Your eyes must be playing tricks on you inrepparttar 136449 gloom, because just ahead,repparttar 136450 door to that crypt seems to be opening all by itself…

I'm pretty sure this situation would have your complete attention. In fact, I bet you would be highly receptive to taking action (a headlong race torepparttar 136451 front gate?) depending on what was offered up next. All because of a little fear.

And so it is with a well written sales letter or other persuasive piece of copy. Before any selling takes place, you first have to getrepparttar 136452 attention of your prospect. You do this by connecting with your prospect on some emotional level. This setsrepparttar 136453 stage forrepparttar 136454 selling message, and ultimatelyrepparttar 136455 call for action.

Whilerepparttar 136456 copywriter has many arrows to draw from inrepparttar 136457 emotional quiver, greed and fear are two ofrepparttar 136458 most powerful.

There are many kinds of fear - fear of financial loss, fear of lost health, fear of humiliation, fear of pain, fear of losing out on a once-in-a-lifetime golden opportunity. The list could go on and on. It'srepparttar 136459 job ofrepparttar 136460 copywriter to identify which will resonaterepparttar 136461 strongest withrepparttar 136462 target prospects.

Greed too comes in many flavors. Whilerepparttar 136463 word itself seems to suggest base human instincts, greed has its positive attributes. Is it greedy to want a better standard of living for your family? Is it greedy to want to advance torepparttar 136464 top of your profession, or to be a more talented pianist? A better lover?

If you stop and think about it, fear and greed cover a lot of emotional territory. Again, it'srepparttar 136465 job of yourepparttar 136466 copywriter to determine which particular flavor will most likely evokerepparttar 136467 desired response inrepparttar 136468 prospect's heart.

Beyond Fear And Greed: Emotions That Sell

Written by Lisa Packer

Fear and Greed. The stock-in-trade of sales. Appeal to them, and your success is assured. But isn’t there more to life than those two emotions?

Yes, there is. And your marketing would do well to expand its emotional horizons! Let’s take a look at a few ofrepparttar other response-generating feelings:

Curiosity: “What never… ever to eat on an airplane!” That headline is fromrepparttar 136302 super-successful sales letter for Bottom Line newsletter subscriptions. You readrepparttar 136303 message to findrepparttar 136304 answer torepparttar 136305 question – which, byrepparttar 136306 way, is only answered if you subscribe.

Vanity: Everyone wants to look good. Can your product or service make them more beautiful? But don’t stop there – vanity can sell more than just diet and beauty products. Verbal Advantage uses vanity (people will think you’re more intelligent) to sell vocabulary tapes. Will your product or service make your prospect look more successful? (Sometimes a higher cost can be a benefit.) How aboutrepparttar 136307 appeal of being “cool” or “hip”?

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