How to Pick an SEO Firm

Written by By Michael Murray

If you're looking for an SEO firm, we recommend that you weigh 10 factors that can save you trouble downrepparttar road.

1. Check out their experience. You shouldn't have to try hard to find samples of their clients or their SEO performance on individual websites. How competitive are their search terms that are ranking well on Google? Arerepparttar 105722 search terms that are ranking well difficult terms to position--one, two and three word phrases, or are they easy terms to position because no one else is using them at all--six, seven and eight word terms?

2. Ask for testimonial letters. Insist on letterheads fromrepparttar 105723 clients that feature real names, not Fred from Cleveland or J.T. from New York. Call these references and ask them questions aboutrepparttar 105724 SEO performance ofrepparttar 105725 company you are considering.

3. Ask them to document their process. What policies and procedures do they follow? Are they consistent? Do they stay away from unethical procedures that could put your site in jeopardy withrepparttar 105726 search engines?

4. Get staff credentials. Find out who is doingrepparttar 105727 work. You really need a team of people - no one person can be proficient in every area of server administration, programming, marketing, writing, link building and more. Get to knowrepparttar 105728 team a bit.

5. Be suspicious of money back guarantees. Unless it's super-clear, you have to wonder aboutrepparttar 105729 details ofrepparttar 105730 guarantee. If a firm offers one, including Top 10 placement, ask them to elaborate. Which key words are included? Just one Top 10? Do they plan to achieve Top 10 rankings among natural results or pay-per-click? Arerepparttar 105731 Top 10 listings associated with your web site or a supplemental web siterepparttar 105732 SEO firm controls?

Treble your Adsense Earnings in 60 Minutes

Written by Kenny Hemphill

Treble your Adsense income in 60 minutes.

Google's Adsense is one ofrepparttar most powerful weapons in website publisher's arsenal. It enables you to monetize your sites easily and if used properly can generate a very healthy income. However, if you're not using it properly and maximizingrepparttar 105721 income you squeeze from it, your leaving money onrepparttar 105722 table – something we all hate doing.

Boosting your return from Adsense can be done very easily and quickly, and you'll be amazed byrepparttar 105723 results.

I ran Adsense on my sites for over a year before I discovered these techniques, and like many people, I though I was doing pretty well. My clickthrough rates and CPM figures were very healthy, and I didn't honestly think that they could be improved a great deal. How wrong I was. Immediately after I implemented a few quick changes my clickthrough rate more than doubled, and by doing some fine tuning I manged to get nearly three times as many people to click onrepparttar 105724 ads as had been previously doing so.

The first technique is one that was 'discovered' byrepparttar 105725 amazingly helpful Debs, on SIteSell's SBI! forums. When I read it originally, it made sense and I decided to goive it a go, but I wasn't prepared forrepparttar 105726 immediate impact it would have on my income. It involves making only a few simple changes torepparttar 105727 format and positioning of your Adsense ads.

Firstly, forget about using banners or skyscrapers. These ad formats are almost universally ignored by surfers. Why? Because we've all been conditioned to recognise a skyscraper or banner as an advert and as these adverts are rarely of any interest, we ignore them. What's needed is a way of integrating Adsense ads intorepparttar 105728 editorial on your site as seamlessly as possible. To do this you need to do three things:

1. Userepparttar 105729 250 x 250 rectangle format 2. Makerepparttar 105730 background color ofrepparttar 105731 adrepparttar 105732 same asrepparttar 105733 background color of your site, or as close to it as possible. 3. Makerepparttar 105734 ads borderless by settingrepparttar 105735 border color to berepparttar 105736 same asrepparttar 105737 background color ofrepparttar 105738 ad.

These changes can be made by logging into your Adsense account and creating a custom format. Just selectrepparttar 105739 250 x 250 ad format, and create a custom color palette. Userepparttar 105740 color picker to pickrepparttar 105741 coor you want. The Javascript is automatically generated atrepparttar 105742 foot ofrepparttar 105743 page, ready for you to copy and paste intorepparttar 105744 pages on your site.

Now, you need to position your ads where surfers are most likely to click on them. Research using retina scanning technology has shown thatrepparttar 105745 place that surfers tend to look at first and most often isrepparttar 105746 top left. I don't knowrepparttar 105747 reasons for this, perhaps it's because that's where we're used to seeingrepparttar 105748 most useful search engine results (atrepparttar 105749 top ofrepparttar 105750 rankings) and search engines arerepparttar 105751 sites we most often visit, so we automatically look atrepparttar 105752 same place on other sites.

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