How to Market to the Internet's Fastest-Growing Segment

Written by Jim Beach

If you have ignoredrepparttar older population in your online marketing efforts you may want to rethink your strategy, particularly if you know your product or service appeals to that segment inrepparttar 121862 *off-line* world.

Older Americans are going online at a faster rate than any other age group, according to an August, 1999 Greenfield Online study conducted among 1,265 Web users age 55 and older. Seniors are using e-mail to communicate with family and friends, accessing chat rooms, playing games and surfingrepparttar 121863 Web to find information and make purchases. A separate study indicates there are more Internet users 50 and older than there are 20 and under.

It is understandable thatrepparttar 121864 senior population wasn'trepparttar 121865 first segment to grasprepparttar 121866 Internet, but neither is it hard to fathom why they are now coming to it in droves. They have acclimated well torepparttar 121867 fast-changing 20th Century, adapting torepparttar 121868 advent of transistor radios, television, 8-tracks, cassettes, CDs, fast food, cell phones and now,repparttar 121869 computer.

Their interests are as diverse as any other age group, according to experts on older Americans. You would certainly expect them to seek information on topics like health and finances, but they are also into travel, nature, science, nutrition, history, entertainment, games, self-help and many other areas.

Seniors are also usingrepparttar 121870 Internet to shop, according torepparttar 121871 study. Most seniors who userepparttar 121872 Web are comfortable making purchases overrepparttar 121873 Internet and haverepparttar 121874 household income to be significant players inrepparttar 121875 e-commerce arena. The study found that 78% of Web users in that age group have made a purchase online.

How To Target Your Customers and Put Them In A Buying Mood

Written by Herman Drost

Have you spent a lot of money on advertising withrepparttar expectation that you would get many sales fromrepparttar 121861 1000s of people that visited your site or read your ad?

Have you poured money into driving traffic to your web site, only to have no one buying your product?

Maybe you have seenrepparttar 121862 ads, "Get 10,000 visitors to your site, for only $20" . Wow, you think, that's a great bargain, I'll go for it. The result – 10 people visiting your site and no one buying.

What'srepparttar 121863 problem? You have not effectively targeted your customers. Your field of customers is too large. Most of them are not interested in your product. You need to zero inrepparttar 121864 person that wants, needs and thirsts for your product.

How Do I Find My Targeted Customer? 1. You have to have to put on your customers shoes. There's an Indian saying that says "You must walk a mile in my shoes, before you can understand me. For example, if I am selling a weight loss product, I would not be targeting skinny people, but targeting those that are overweight.

2. Make a thumb nail sketch of this person – who is your customer? What is her wants, needs and worries? Try to understand what makes them tick. Then you can understand what gain you can offer and what worry you can solve.

For example, let's make a sketch ofrepparttar 121865 overweight person. 30-50 years old Out of shape Probably married with children Under a lot of pressure, tight for time, stressed Looking for ways to improve health and wealth Lack of self esteem

3. Develop your product that addresses one or more of these needs. Always refer back to your thumbnail sketch as you write for your site. Elaborate onrepparttar 121866 points that fit your product and what it delivers. As you start writing, new ideas will naturally emerge, but always keep them focused on your targeted customer so you won't go offrepparttar 121867 track of what your customer wants.

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