How to Manage Your Extension through Dreamweaver MX

Written by Kay Zetkin

The latest version of Macromedia Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver MX works with a standalone program that is a wonderful assistant in managing your file extension. Macromedia Dreamweaver MX offers extensions to improverepparttar functionality and scope of Dreamweaver. This program isrepparttar 135659 extension manager that can be relied upon to install and remove your file extensions. Through this program, you can turn your extensions on and turn them off, as you please. Plus, true to Dreamweaver’s integrated capabilities,repparttar 135660 extension manager program works well with Flash and Fireworks to manage their extensions as well.

If you haven’t got any idea on how to manage your extensions through Dreamweaver MX, then, after going over these simple steps, you will find out how reliable and easy it is:

First, openrepparttar 135661 Extension Manager. Do this by going torepparttar 135662 "Commands" menu and choosing "Manage Extensions..."

Second, if you haven't gotten around to downloadingrepparttar 135663 extension or extensions you want to install, then start downloading them before we go another step further.

Third, sincerepparttar 135664 Extension Manager handle extensions for several programs, as mentioned above, you must make sure that Dreamweaver MX is displayed inrepparttar 135665 drop-down menu.

After checking outrepparttar 135666 drop-down menu, go torepparttar 135667 "File" menu and choose "Install extension". This command will open a standard file selector box. Once opened, browse torepparttar 135668 file you downloaded and click "Install". A disclaimer announcement will appear before you. Be sure to read it and that there are no unexpected requirements for use ofrepparttar 135669 extension, since some extensions happen to have these. After reading, click "Accept". And lastly, click "OK" and close and restart Dreamweaver.

First-rate Tools for your Web Authoring

Written by

Indeed, if you want to make your mark inrepparttar wide, wide Web, you would not need an expensive software package to create and post your very own Website. Even if you don’t have money to spare, many HTML editors and FTP clients are available that does not charge much. Some even do not charge at all. With these HTML editors and FTP clients hanging around, what’srepparttar 135658 use of troubling yourself understanding allrepparttar 135659 features of web development software packages?

Well, that’srepparttar 135660 scenario if you are simply dreaming of “having” a Website. But if you are keen on “making” your own mark inrepparttar 135661 Web, and really interested in authoring it, brand it with your very own style and technique, then you need reliable and useful web development tools.

To help you take your Web authoring to a higher level, we introduce you to Macromedia's Dreamweaver MX and Adobe's GoLive 6. These are web authoring tools that strive to make data movement simple within their own suite of products. These two top notch web development tools also allow Web development team members to swap tasks with one another more easily.

So, let’s get to know these new tools… With Dreamweaver MX, Macromedia again placed new interfaces, as it always has done to its latest products. But, this $399 Web design package (upgrade, $199) gives option to userepparttar 135662 old version4 workspace. It is enhanced with more integration unlike previous versions which were separate, disintegrated programs. Thus, it gave way to a suite-ification with panels that now function inrepparttar 135663 same way asrepparttar 135664 panels in Flash and in Macromedia's Fireworks image editing program. It has a new look wherein panels are docked instead of floating onrepparttar 135665 screen to reduce clutter. A new row of tabs alongrepparttar 135666 top ofrepparttar 135667 screen places layout, table, text, form, and other common functions, making it easily accessible.

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