How to Make a Joint Venture Successful

Written by Valerie Vauthey

Question: What was your first successful JV, and what wererepparttar steps you took to make it successful?

Hello. This is Valerie Vauthey speaking. I amrepparttar 103236 CEO & Founder ofrepparttar 103237 fastest growing coaching company in North America and Europe:

I would like to share with you a few of my experiences regarding business and more specifically with Joint Ventures.

I have started, grown, and sold FOUR Joint Ventures so far and I just started a new one.

Out ofrepparttar 103238 first four JVs, 3 were a great success and 1 was a failure (though I did not lose a dime, let's say I just did not make money).

Looking back at what maderepparttar 103239 JV successful, I think I can now reasonably well understand why one went astray and did not generaterepparttar 103240 forecasted revenues.

The first JV I ever started was a high-tech company which appliedrepparttar 103241 artificial intelligence concepts to financial markets.

Because I was not a techie person,repparttar 103242 critical part of this JV was to find a 50/50 partner who would berepparttar 103243 techie side ofrepparttar 103244 business. I would berepparttar 103245 sales and CEO side ofrepparttar 103246 business.

This isrepparttar 103247 #1 CFOS (Critical Factor of Success): Findingrepparttar 103248 right partner. The right partner isrepparttar 103249 one who brings what you do not have and are not able to acquire easily. This requires a high-level of self esteem as one has to accept his or her limits.

The right partner is also somebody you know well. Not a person met at a fair or on an online network and with whom you only exchanged a few emails. It is easy to get excited when we meet somebody online and find that we share a lot of elements but always do your homework and learn as much as possible aboutrepparttar 103250 other person before jumping inrepparttar 103251 bath as we say in French.

If you do not findrepparttar 103252 right partner, then your JV is dead before even having started!

What'srepparttar 103253 worst that can happen when you chooserepparttar 103254 wrong partner? Well, you can be mislead. And this is easy to do! Since this partner knows things you don't!

You can also be lied to when a partner who is supposed to bring a sales pipeline or access to hundreds of thousands of people, reveals him/herself as a nice speaker with nothing inrepparttar 103255 basket (another French expression ;o)

One ofrepparttar 103256 mistakes I have made and from which I have learned is that I used to believe my partners and follow them blindly. One time, I was approached by a potential partner who seemed extremely well connected and whose role would have been to spreadrepparttar 103257 word while I would berepparttar 103258 captain on board,repparttar 103259 visionary. We did have a vision...butrepparttar 103260 millions of contacts? never materialized! That's ok. We will all make a mistake here and there. As long as we learn from them it is a lesson of life and we will remember it.

So remember:

  • choose a partner you know
  • preferably choose a partner who has experience
  • your partner should have an experience and a skill set you do not have
  • your partner should have access to a network of people you do not know
  • choose a partner who can prove what he/she says when it comes to sales pipeline and large distribution lists

#1 CFOS Good Example: To start my latest JV, I chose Kimberly Wells, one of our great coaches on board at MyPrivateCoach. I haverepparttar 103261 vision. She hasrepparttar 103262 skill set. We are totally complementary. The vision was to start an online boot camp company attractively priced at 99 cents a day. I had known Kimberly for quite a while. We had had time to exchange and discover each other! After 6 months of brainstorming and work, we launched and we started selling our first bootcamps within days.

#1 CFOS Bad example: Two years ago, I started a website with a person I barely knew but who made me believe he had access to literally millions of addresses. Needless to say, these addresses did not exist. Now that I know how hard it is to build a meaningful subscribers list, I know why! I wasted my time on this but no money. Maybe my female intuition was talking to me while I slept! It still qualifies as a failure to me.

The #2 CFOS in a JV is timing and vision. People who start a JV tend to be in a hurry. They want to succeed yesterday as opposed to tomorrow. A JV is not a "regular" company where you have a CEO who drivesrepparttar 103263 team. In a JV, as commonly understood today, both partners have technicallyrepparttar 103264 same power. Because both parners can pullrepparttar 103265 company atrepparttar 103266 same time, it is important that your sense of timing berepparttar 103267 same. Do you want to make 1 million withinrepparttar 103268 next 6 months? Does your partner want to make 10 millions within 12 months? Do you want this to be a side business? Does he/she want this to be HUGE company? As you can see, if you do not haverepparttar 103269 same perception of things (vision and timing) you are doomed to failure.

So remember:

  • choose a partner who hasrepparttar 103270 same grand vision about whatrepparttar 103271 business should become (a side-business orrepparttar 103272 next Microsoft)
  • choose a partner who thinks like you when it comes to timing: when do you want success to become true?

#2 CFOS Good Example: With Kimberly Wells on, we haverepparttar 103273 same vision. We want to becomerepparttar 103274 reference when it comes to bootcamps and online self help. We also haverepparttar 103275 same timeframe as a reference: we are giving ourselves 12 months to meet full success!

#2 CFOS Bad Example: With my not-so-successful JV, we had a major difference of perception when it came torepparttar 103276 vision and of course torepparttar 103277 timing. I had another company to take care of, I did not haverepparttar 103278 same sense of urgency as this person had. These two major (and should I say "critical") differences collided and we stopped working together.

This leads us to another point: how much time do you have?

One important point when you start any company for that matter, isrepparttar 103279 TIME issue. This will be our #3 CFOS. One common cause of JV or busines failure in general isrepparttar 103280 lack of time or a poor time organization. If you are planning to start a JV onrepparttar 103281 side while taking care of your family, a time-consuming job and a intensive social life, chances are you will not succeed. Does this sound tough? tough love maybe! But it is critical that you allocate all your energy and time to your new business venture. A new endeavor requires your full attention. What about finding a balance between your personal life and your business? I personally believe that there is no balance to be found inrepparttar 103282 first few months you start a business. YOu need an understanding spouse and family environment and go for it. Work hard and do not listen to those who sell seminars and expensive teleclasses trying to make you believe you can become rich and famous without working hard. A key reason for failure is giving your time away to other people or projects. Be focused! ONLY ONE NEW BUSINESS AT A TIME. Don't you worry. As soon as your business takes offrepparttar 103283 ground thanks to your hard work, you will be able to re-establish a nice personal/professional balance.

So remember:

Tales from the Corporate Frontlines: Try, Try, Again

Written by Josh Greenberg

This article relates torepparttar Career Opportunities competency and explores issues such as internal growth opportunities, potential for advancement, career development importance, andrepparttar 103235 relationship between job performance and career advancement. Evaluatingrepparttar 103236 Career Opportunities competency in your organization will determine whether your employees believe they have a chance to grow withinrepparttar 103237 organization. Studies show that lack of career opportunity is one ofrepparttar 103238 top reasons why employees leave an organization. Also, continually hiring open positions from outsiderepparttar 103239 organization can be detrimental to morale when a qualified candidate is available internally. Topics covered in this competency are: perceived opportunity for advancement, existence of a career development plan, and organizational commitment to staff development. This short story, Try, Try Again, is part of AlphaMeasures compilation, Tales Fromrepparttar 103240 Corporate Frontlines. It takes a lighthearted look atrepparttar 103241 career planning methods of some coworkers, and outlines one company's solid strategy for career development.

Anonymous Submission

Genuine opportunities for advancement are rare inrepparttar 103242 company where I work. Frequent job postings appear on strategically placed bulletin boards, according to company policy.

It's easy to tell when there's been a new posting. There's an almost constant group of onlookers, examiningrepparttar 103243 paperwork as if it wererepparttar 103244 Holy Grail. You can hear them whisper ----who left? Or was this a new position? Who could qualify? Who would apply? Would they get hired? If they did, would it be a promotion or a lateral move? Was this a genuine career opportunity or a placeholder job?

Pass by human resources and you'll see one or more ofrepparttar 103245 "fast-trackers" atrepparttar 103246 information counter. Members of this group apply for any and every job posted. It doesn't matter to them whether they are qualified, talented or experienced inrepparttar 103247 required area - as long asrepparttar 103248 potential salary is higher than their current rate. If there's no salary posted, they go on info-gathering missions and interrogate anyone who might know - onrepparttar 103249 quiet, of course. If it looks like a step up, they apply. Some have maderepparttar 103250 switch successfully, for a while, at least. It's usually not long before they're spotted scanningrepparttar 103251 job board again, searching for new career opportunities.

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