How to Make Real Money from Affiliate Programs

Written by John Lynch

How To Make Real Money from Affiliate Programs

It is an often quoted statistic that about 90% of affiliates make no money from affiliate programs.

The top 10% of affiliates make allrepparttar money. Some of these are super affiliates who make very large sums of money indeed.

What isrepparttar 102187 reason forrepparttar 102188 big difference between those who succeed and those who fail?

The following rules should be followed when choosing affilite programs:

1) Only promote products/sevices in a niche that is in demand and profitable.

2) Join programs where you earn at least 20% commissions on sales.

3) Only promote products that tie in withrepparttar 102189 theme of your web site. Unrelated products make a site look bad and sell poorly.

4) Concentrate on promoting programs that pay recurring or lifetime commissions. In other words, make a sale once and get paid indefinitely for any repeat sales torepparttar 102190 same customer.

This isrepparttar 102191 big secret ofrepparttar 102192 super affiliates. They put most of their efforts into promoting residual/lifetime affiliate programs. Gradually, like compound interest their profits mount up.

How to make money with Affiliate Programs - The Sensible Way

Written by Xavier Nelson

Every day, thousands of would-be marketers scourrepparttar internet looking for any and every affiliate program, sign up, sit back and wait forrepparttar 102186 money to pour in and get frustrated just as fast whenrepparttar 102187 bank balance still shows a big, fat ZERO!

There are tons of guru's floating around and even more eBooks and articles claiming to knowrepparttar 102188 latest and greatest trick to make tons of money with no effort at all (oh and of course, unless you use their method then you will never, ever get anywhere in your online business and stay brokerepparttar 102189 rest of your life). We've all seen these before.

Let's get real for a moment. If you don't put any effort into your marketing and don't spreadrepparttar 102190 word of whatever you are marketing, then you will get exactly that much out of your effort. Zero effort = Zero results!

I hope that's plain enough and now let's have a look atrepparttar 102191 sensible way to market your affiliate programs, so you can actually earn some of that Internet-Money-Pie (and it's yummy too).

There are two types of affiliate programs generally. Those that pay you (1-tier) and those that pay you, plus they pay you a bonus for actions taken by visitors sent by other webmasters you have referred (2-tier).

Let's think about that for a moment. What'srepparttar 102192 easier way to make money? You sell a bunch of products and get paid on that alone, or if you sell product and also introducerepparttar 102193 affiliate program to a bunch of webmasters who in turn also sell and they earn a nice commission and you get a bonus every single time they sell something, just for having referred them torepparttar 102194 affiliate program?

Ok, I know you probably just smacked your forhead and said 'Duh' quite loudly and think I am statingrepparttar 102195 plain and obvious.

If you can get others to dorepparttar 102196 same thing you are doing, by keeping in touch with them and helping them and duplicating your efforts, then of course it stands to reason thatrepparttar 102197 bonus you receive for referringrepparttar 102198 webmasters will generate potentially a large team of people making you money.

So, your first task is to find good, well-paying 2-tier affiliate programs. You can always use single tier programs as a back end sale or on other projects, don't get me wrong, they will still make you money, but right now, we want to get you started off onrepparttar 102199 right foot to your own internet income.

So, you've gone out and found a well-paying affiliate program, and you are ready to rumble and make money... Not So Fast!!!

How are you going to promote it? What is your plan of attack? That's another problem many marketers run into, they just run off and don't think before they act and that again results in a lot less return for all of your efforts.

Here's what I have done inrepparttar 102200 past and always do each time. Feel free to try this out and seerepparttar 102201 results for yourself.

After findingrepparttar 102202 affiliate program I want to promote, I checkrepparttar 102203 resource material provided byrepparttar 102204 program. Sometimes, depending on how newrepparttar 102205 program is, I use their material to get things rolling but almost every time, I start to write some ads of my own, perhaps an article or even an ebook that I can use to promoterepparttar 102206 product andrepparttar 102207 affiliate program with. Some of those resources are available to readers ofrepparttar 102208 eBusinessCornerNews newsletter if you are interested.

Another thing I do, after putting together allrepparttar 102209 marketing material I want to use is to check outrepparttar 102210 competion that's already inrepparttar 102211 market. I don't really care if there is competition, as a matter of fact, many times that is a good indicator that there is a good demand forrepparttar 102212 type of product I am promoting. You can do this pretty easily by just going to a search engine and typing in keywords you associate withrepparttar 102213 product for example (there are a lot of additional ways to do this that we discuss in our newsletter).

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