Now here is a topic you WON'T see everyday because many people are either embarrassed to talk about it or don't want to admit
truth about themselves.Can your family actually be jealous of an inanimate object? Well sure, look how many people complain that:
You spend too much time on that tv? Why don't you just marry
tv !! You are always working on that car, you love that car more than me!!
Yada, Yada, you get
We may have all at one point in time said one of those words, so why should this be any different for
computer, you can do so much with it, whether you are operating a business or not,
possibilities are endless, so therefore a lot of time can be spent on
computer and you may not even realize it.
Remember when
internet first became popular, and
news would talk a lot about how many people spent so much time getting "hooked" that their marriages, and family relationships were suffering.
Employers had to put out tons of memo's and new rules regarding employee use of
internet on Company time.
How many times when you were bored at work did you find Something to do online. Check your email, play a game, surf and shop, etc.
The plain and very simple fact is that
net is very addictive, I can easily have my mind set to take care of one task on
computer, and next thing you know an idea pops up to surf, and by that time a few hours have passed... Now what was I supposed to do in
first place??
It is almost human nature to worry about these things, but it doesn't have to be this way.
Just as how you can have a good friend that you spend a lot of time with and maybe a spouse gets jealous,
same can happen with a computer.
Of Course, I am not just talking about spouses,
children can have those same feelings.
If your child needs some help with homework or something in general but you are always putting it off because you have to do something on
computer, those feelings can erupt. Anytime you are not trying to balance your daily tasks, then this can be a problem
Just because YOU have a computer now doesn't mean that you are now Information KING /QUEEN almighty.
There are still some things that
computer can't teach us... If your family absolutely cannot handle
amount of time you spend online and they resent everything about it, then that is time for extra help, a counselor of some sort of any professional that you can find to help find out why it seems like they are not happy when you try to be happy.
If they don't care what you do online, but are there to ask you how much money you have in Paypal, then its time to get them more interested in YOUR business.
Incorporate all
benefits of your business to them, let them know of any and ALL parts of your business that your family may want to know about.
"Well you know now that I have my own business, then we can deduct this and that on our taxes"
"Well you know now that I have my own business, we may be able to qualify for items at a wholesale price"
"Well you know now that I have my own business, my new client can give you a great discount on their product since they love my work"