How to Keep the Unity of the Spirit ...

Written by Paul Griffitts

Spirit here isrepparttar Giver of gifts andrepparttar 126503 Author ofrepparttar 126504 unity which has been made and which we are to keep. A part of this unity isrepparttar 126505 one body. The members of this one body become such by adoption or placing as sons (Ephesians 1:5).

This one body was also endowed with gifts byrepparttar 126506 ascended Christ; not gifts to individuals, but torepparttar 126507 whole body. These gifts were apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. The first two are foundational and have passed away.

This body is not described as having any parts or members except forrepparttar 126508 fact thatrepparttar 126509 Head isrepparttar 126510 Christ. In this unity He isrepparttar 126511 central figure.

This body had its beginning from a former body of believers who acceptedrepparttar 126512 truth ofrepparttar 126513 mystery after Acts 28:28. Both Jew and Gentile were made one, and created into one new man (Ephesians 2:12-16). Both Jew and Gentile were then reconciled in one body to God byrepparttar 126514 cross. And this mystery is further explained in 3:6 that in this one body all members are in joint relationship; joint heirs, joint members, and joint partakers of a promise of life in Christ, which promise was made beforerepparttar 126515 ages began (2 Timothy 1:1, Titus 1:2).

Gentiles are no longer dogs, neither do they eat as guests at Israel's table, but they have a table of their own. All now are called Gentiles or nations. Jews are no longer Jews, but have to become asrepparttar 126516 Gentiles in order to enjoy all spiritual blessings inrepparttar 126517 heavenly places in Christ. Underrepparttar 126518 law a Gentile had to become a Jew in order to enjoyrepparttar 126519 blessings of Abraham. The tables are turned.

How to Leverage Your Fund Raising Ideas

Written by By Dee Scrip ©All rights reserved.

Learn how to easily optimize your fund raising ideas -- whether for school fund raising, church fund raising, charity work, non profit organizations, or business – that require minimal effort but produce maximum monetary rewards.

Leverage is a fairly simple concept. According to Webster, leverage “…provides an increased means to accomplish some purpose…” Applied to fund raising ideas, leverage provides an increased resource that optimally maximizes fund raising efforts, consequently optimally maximizingrepparttar desired financial revenue.

Let’s use a typical school fund raising idea as an example.

The school decides to use a company to provide candy bars for their annual fund raising event. The company then providesrepparttar 126502 school, who, in turn, providesrepparttar 126503 students with candy bars to sell. Students lug their boxes of candy bars home and then sell them to family, friends, and neighbors. On a set date,repparttar 126504 school expends time and resources to collect monies fromrepparttar 126505 students’ efforts, and awards prizes to those producingrepparttar 126506 most sales.

Oncerepparttar 126507 school fund raising event is over,repparttar 126508 school forwards torepparttar 126509 company a portion of their acquired monies from sales, however, no further income from that project is expected or received byrepparttar 126510 school.

The company providingrepparttar 126511 candy, however, has employed a form of leverage to promote their sales by utilizingrepparttar 126512 school’s and students’ time and efforts. The company has also doubled their leverage, asrepparttar 126513 school will probably returnrepparttar 126514 following year to host another school fund raising event. The company may even triple their leverage whenrepparttar 126515 school recommends this fund raising idea to other schools.

Note: The school, unfortunately, has not experienced leverage with their fund raising idea, althoughrepparttar 126516 school andrepparttar 126517 students have expended a lot more time and work thanrepparttar 126518 company did.

How can a school, charity, non profit organization, church, or business implement leverage in their fund raising ideas or efforts? And more importantly, how can they optimally maximize their leverage?

The goal would be to develop a fund raising idea that provides not only immediate income, but also residual income. Not only willrepparttar 126519 time and effort expended inrepparttar 126520 fund raising project be maximized, butrepparttar 126521 financial rewards will be maximized as well.

How can that be done? Well, you will need to think “outsiderepparttar 126522 box” with your fund raising ideas. Here are a few tips:

·Find a product or service that every household uses or will use on a daily basis. ·Avoid products that require inventory ·Searchrepparttar 126523 Internet or brainstorm for products or services that provide residual (continuous or self perpetuating) income for your time and effort. ·Closely examinerepparttar 126524 compensation plans offered with these products or services.

Here’s a little tip on compensation plans –repparttar 126525 bottom line to your desired financial rewards:

Look for compensation plans offering payouts to your organization by incorporating these three areas:

·weekly payout ·monthly residual (continuous) payout ·annual bonuses

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