"How to Keep Your Cat Free from Diseases with Your Quick Guide to Cat Grooming"

Written by NS Kennedy

Even a cat that compulsively cleans itself can benefit from a little grooming from her owner. Cats rarely need a bath, but frequent brushing removes a lot of loose hair which would otherwise end up either shed around your home or swallowed byrepparttar cat, creating constipating hairballs. Grooming your cat on a regular basis also helps you monitor her health and make her easier to handle.

Long-haired cats should be brushed and combed daily; short-haired cats only need grooming about once per week. While brushing your cat's coat, keep an eye out for lumps and skin irritations. Brush along your cats back, from head to tail with firm pressure. Repeat this several times, and then switch to one side. You should brush each area 4 or 5 times Always remember to brush inrepparttar 139358 direction ofrepparttar 139359 hair growth.

If you find places where hair is missing, watch your cat forrepparttar 139360 next week to determine if she is over-grooming these spots, or ifrepparttar 139361 hair loss could be a skin condition that requires a vet's attention. Be sure to watch for fleas and remove them immediately using a flea comb. If you notice rice-like particles around her anus (or in her bed), she probably has worms and needs medication from a veterinarian.

The grooming session is a good time to check your cat's ears, eyes, teeth and claws. If your cat is a young kitten, be sure to frequently manipulate these areas to get her used to handling. Byrepparttar 139362 time she is an adult, looking inside her ears for mites will be a non-traumatic event. If your cat is an adult, proceed at her pace. If she will let you touch her ear, but not fold it back to look inside, that's fine. Each time you groom her, try going a little farther with your examination, praising her with words, strokes, and treats for letting you handle her. If she struggles, it is best to let her go, and try again another day.

"How to Make Your Cat's Life, and YOUR Life, Happier - Training Your Cat"

Written by NS Kennedy

Imagine that you are scolding your cat for scratching at your new furniture, and Kitty is sitting staring at you. Suddenly you realize how silly you look and how futile your scolding is. So how do you train your cat to respect your home?

All cats can be trained and should have some training from their owners. You will need to train your cat to use her litter box, sharpen her claws onrepparttar scratching post instead of your couch, and to stop negative behavior when you say "no." Cats can also learn to do "tricks," andrepparttar 139357 mental stimulation of learning is good for them.

Cats learnrepparttar 139358 same way dogs and people learn; they repeat behaviors that have a pleasurable result. The best way to train your cat is to reward her when she does something right. The reward might be a small piece of a special food, or lots of praise from you in a happy, high-pitched voice.

Training to change negative behaviors requires you to catch your cat "inrepparttar 139359 act." For example, if your cat uses your stereo speakers as a scratching post, wait until she is about to put claw to fabric, then firmly say "NO." The moment she freezes and turns towards you, switch torepparttar 139360 happy voice and praise her. Move towards her to distract her away fromrepparttar 139361 inappropriate object. If she makes any movement towards you praise her even more. Timing and repetition arerepparttar 139362 keys to success here. You must catch her as she moves to act inappropriately, and praise herrepparttar 139363 exact moment she stops.

Things to remember if your cat scratches your furniture

* Understand your cat's need to scratch. * Forget punishment - it doesn't work. * Provide a suitable place for your cat to scratch such as a scratching post * Makerepparttar 139364 scratching post attractive to Kitty * Makerepparttar 139365 place she's been scratching unattractive - physical or scent related deterrents will work * Whenever possible, start cats young. * You may want to trim your cat's claws.

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