How to Keep Your Business Healthy

Written by Charlie Cook

Can you imagine you're ninety years old and still hiking up mountains with your grandchildren, bench pressing more than most twenty year olds, and making millions of dollars?

Recently Jack LaLanne, America's first TV fitness guru, turned ninety. Not only is he still sound of mind, in great shape, he's made millions and is still earning more. How does he do it?

You know it is important to eat your fruits and veggies, exercise regularly, avoid drinking and smoking and get enough sleep to stay healthy. To that list Jack LaLanne would add, set clear goals, exercise with weights twice a week, avoid eating between meals and keep your mind active.

Of course you can't just eat well and skiprepparttar exercise or avoidrepparttar 120089 drinking and smoking and skimp on sleep. Jack LaLanne is still going strong at 90 because he does ALLrepparttar 120090 things required to stay healthy every day.

Marketing your business requiresrepparttar 120091 same comprehensive, disciplined approach Jack LaLanne uses to stay healthy at 90. To attract new clients and retain existing ones you need to set goals, target a need, get attention, prompt action, grow your network, establish credibility, provide a solution, follow up, demonstrate value and stay in touch. These arerepparttar 120092 ten essential steps to marketing your business.

Like a staircase,repparttar 120093 steps are connected and you need to put them together inrepparttar 120094 proper sequence and use each of them regularly. A common marketing mistake is to focus on just one or two ofrepparttar 120095 above steps and hope forrepparttar 120096 best. Joan, who owns a sports facility, called last week about her advertising campaign. It was costing her significant dollars but wasn't translating into new clients. What wasrepparttar 120097 problem?

Advertising can help get attention but to be effective it needs to be focused on clients' needs and prompt them to action. Joan's advertising was focused on her solution, not on prospects' needs resulting in a disappointing response. Once she rewrote her ads to target prospects' needs, her response rates and business revenue increased.

Larry's promotional efforts were working but he wasn't having success translating allrepparttar 120098 attention he was getting into dollars and cents. Thanks to top search engine positioning and hundreds of links to his web site, thousands of people were visiting his site each day. Yet, on average, only five people per day were contacting him about his services. Larry was doing a great job of getting attention but wasn't prompting his prospects to action.

Who Do You Trust When Buying Online?

Written by Nicola Bullimore

People who are buying online have grown dramatically overrepparttar last few years. Consumers purchase a variety of different products, and withrepparttar 120088 trend as it is; elderly people are becoming more confident to pay for their products online as they understand money can be saved in comparison to prices in high street shops.

As any business would know, it is important to keep up to date with current market prices so products can remain competitive. The Helprepparttar 120089 Aged website seem to be selling mobility scooters at more than doublerepparttar 120090 price of other online vendors. So why arerepparttar 120091 prices ofrepparttar 120092 mobility scooters onrepparttar 120093 Helprepparttar 120094 Aged website so expensive?

The Helprepparttar 120095 Aged website have a section where people can come and ask questions and post answers to other peoples threads. One person challenged Helprepparttar 120096 Aged on how they justify their prices considering there are similar websites sellingrepparttar 120097 same product and offering a similar service at halfrepparttar 120098 price.

Peter Olsson: Helprepparttar 120099 Aged E -Commerce Marketing Manager, replied and said that Helprepparttar 120100 Aged started selling mobility scooters in February 2004 to counter act againstrepparttar 120101 common “Unethical Sales Practices” of other sellers inrepparttar 120102 industry. Peter Olsson suggests that his own research shows thatrepparttar 120103 prices Helprepparttar 120104 Aged sell their mobility scooters at are infact, “very competitive”. Mr Olsson states that he is aware, rock bottom rates are advertised in tabloids and other media. However, he encourages in his reply to remember “there’s a wide range of specifications available onrepparttar 120105 market so people get what they pay for”. He uses an example stating that some are sold as new although they have been refurbished.

Mr Olsson said Helprepparttar 120106 Aged would advise anyone only to deal with “Reputable vendors” in order to avoid deceptive sales tactics to prevent a disappointing purchase. “If something sounds too cheap to be true, it usually is.” Although we could agree with this statement in general, in some cases this may not be correct. So, are we understand from Mr Olsson, thatrepparttar 120107 Helprepparttar 120108 Aged website is a reputable vendor to purchase Mobility Scooters but to be aware of commercial websites offering mobility scooters at cheaper prices?

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