How to Improve Your Word Power!

Written by Royane Real

If you want to be a great communicator, do you need to have a great vocabulary?

You might be surprised to learn that a really big vocabulary is not necessary in order to express yourself clearly and to move others with your words.

Some ofrepparttar most dramatic messages that have ever been uttered inrepparttar 107928 English language actually used very simple words to stirrepparttar 107929 blood, or touchrepparttar 107930 heart.

Look at any well-known passage inrepparttar 107931 Bible. Chances are thatrepparttar 107932 passage does not rely on sophisticated words to create its power.

Think of Lincoln’s Gettysberg Address. Although President Lincoln spoke in a style that is very different fromrepparttar 107933 way we usually speak today, his words still haverepparttar 107934 power to move us deeply with their clarity and their deep emotion. Duringrepparttar 107935 darkest days of World War II, Winston Churchill’s rousing speeches torepparttar 107936 British people used very simple, common, powerful words to successfully igniterepparttar 107937 courage and determination of his people.

So if it’s possible to communicate effectively without using a lot of very big words, why should we bother to try to expand our vocabulary? The reason is that learning new words expands our understanding and improves our “mental muscles”. Every new word we learn entices our mind to stretch into new areas.

When we have a larger bank of words to draw on, we improve our ability to think and express ourselves. Our thinking will become more fluid and supple, and we will understand more ofrepparttar 107938 world around us and within us, when we have a larger vocabulary. Inrepparttar 107939 modern worldrepparttar 107940 ability to use words effectively is often highly rewarded.

The English language has an enormous number of words, perhaps more than half a million of them. Most people however, use a vocabulary of just a few thousand common words on a daily basis. It is possible to get by inrepparttar 107941 English language with a limited number of words, but you expand your options as you expand your vocabulary. When you understand very few words, you are limited in your ability to learn new information.

If you want to increase your vocabulary, there are many approaches you can use. One good way is to read books or articles that are slightly more difficult than what you are accustomed to. When you come across a word you don’t know, see if you can figure out its meaning fromrepparttar 107942 context. Look atrepparttar 107943 wayrepparttar 107944 word is made up, with its letters and syllables. Does it remind you of any words you already know? What parts of it are familiar?

Many words inrepparttar 107945 English language are made up of common roots they share with other words. You may be able to deducerepparttar 107946 meaning ofrepparttar 107947 new word fromrepparttar 107948 wayrepparttar 107949 syllables are put together andrepparttar 107950 way it is used. You should consult a dictionary to be sure.

If you come across a word you don’t understand duringrepparttar 107951 course of a lecture or a conversation, you can ask someone to explainrepparttar 107952 meaning ofrepparttar 107953 word. Many people are reluctant to do this because they are afraid of exposing their ignorance by asking.

It is occasionally true that other people may choose to look down on you if you confess that you don’t understand a certain word. Onrepparttar 107954 other hand, they may be happy to teach you something new. If you decide you don’t want to ask anyone else forrepparttar 107955 meaning of words you don’t know, be sure to make a note of those new words and look them up later.

Five Secrets to "Thinking on Your Feet"

Written by Ed Sykes

Five Secrets to “Thinking on Your Feet” By Ed Sykes © 2005 All Rights Reserved

Many times we are put into situations where we are asked a question and need to give an answer onrepparttar spot, or “think on your feet.” It could be a sales or customer service situation, your manager asking you for a progress report, a request for your ideas on a new community project, or a job interview.

During these times we can feelrepparttar 107927 pressure. Our heart begins to race, we start to sweat, we feel our knees knocking, or we want to hide under a rock. This is because sometimesrepparttar 107928 answer we give could mean that big sale,repparttar 107929 customer being satisfied, a promotion or raise, or that dream job.

The following are five secrets to help you master your “thinking on your feet” skills:

1.Listen Many times when we are in a high pressure situation where we are so nervous we really don’t hearrepparttar 107930 actual question. Been there, done that. To make sure we understandrepparttar 107931 question and giverepparttar 107932 right answer dorepparttar 107933 following:

•Breathe slower (Benefit: Relaxes body and mind). •Look directly atrepparttar 107934 questioner. (Benefit: Increases comprehension.) •Ask questions (Benefit: increases clarity and shows you are listening).

2.Pause to Organize It is okay to pause. Pause to gather your thoughts. When you pause you look and sound poised and in control. Remember, there is power in silence. 3.Repeatrepparttar 107935 Question This has several benefits: * Buys you time to think. * Communicates a complete piece of information.

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