How to Have a More Sensual Relationship

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach

Couples want to know how to make their relationships more sensual. They know something is missing inrepparttar sex-for-orgasm experience, delightful as it is. The trouble is, it can become almost pragmatic, a means to an end.

Hunting forrepparttar 130017 G-spot and popping Viagra® can become like making bread in a bread-making machine instead of by hand. You will enjoy an enhanced and deeply bonding experience when you moverepparttar 130018 focus torepparttar 130019 five senses: sight, sound, touch, smell and taste.


Making bread in a bread-making machine is one-step better than going out and buying a loaf of bread, but you're still missing one ofrepparttar 130020 most sensual experiences you can have. Done right, it engages allrepparttar 130021 senses. It also takes time. Taking time is what we think we haverepparttar 130022 least of, and yet it is necessary for a sensual experience. There is nothing mechanical about making bread by hand, no buttons to push, nor is it efficient.

How to proceed? It takes only a few, cheap ingredients. Just throw them all into a bowl, mix it up, and then get your hands in there forrepparttar 130023 kneading. Here's a recipe and instructions: . You'll need to position yourself correctly, use muscles in your upper arms, and all parts of your hands -- fingers, palms, heels. Roll it withrepparttar 130024 heel of your hand and slide your fingers back over it, caressing it with your palm. (You getrepparttar 130025 idea!) Enjoy asrepparttar 130026 dough changes from flour + water to a glistening, beautiful, shining, malleable thing. (Get messy and get into it!)

When is it ready? You have to learn that by experience. (Get it?)

For extra credit: Putrepparttar 130027 bread inrepparttar 130028 oven and smell it baking.

And don't miss slicing into it when it's piping hot, and spreading real butter on it and SAVOURING it!


Seerepparttar 130029 difference inrepparttar 130030 experience? Both accomplishrepparttar 130031 same goal, i.e., making bread, but with one of them getting there is definitely halfrepparttar 130032 fun!

Transform other daily experiences into something sensual applying what you've learned from this. Do you grabrepparttar 130033 dog, brush him as quick as you can and move on torepparttar 130034 next task? If so, you're missingrepparttar 130035 sensual experience of combingrepparttar 130036 dog's hair, feeling his body and musculature, observing his reactions and expressions, using your hands, etc. You're GETTING A JOB DONE, not HAVING A SENSUAL EXPERIENCE.

You can learn to transform your relationship throughrepparttar 130037 magic of sensuality following these steps, in no particular order:


That relates torepparttar 130038 5 senses (sight, sound, smell, taste and touch): What smells good to you and what doesn't? What looks good to you and what doesn't? What feels good against your skin and body and what doesn't? What tastes good and what doesn't? What sounds good and what doesn't?


Ask yourself several times a day, "How am I feeling emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally?" Answerrepparttar 130039 question. Then process what sensory experiences led to what feeling.

3. ASK YOUR PARTNER HOW HE OR SHE FEELS. This is not "How are you?" "Fine." Put downrepparttar 130040 newspaper, turn offrepparttar 130041 TV, turn and look at your partner, and ask, "How are you feeling emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically?" Then listen and learn.

The Price of Low Emotional Intelligence

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach

Low EQ is expensive in terms of lost money, opportunity, time, relationships, promotions, careers, projects, goals, accomplishments, self-esteem, marriages, physical and emotional health, and even life.

The good news is that there is no need to have low EQ. EQ can be learned and improved over a lifetime and you can start right away, no matter how old you are.

These are some ofrepparttar results of low EQ.

·75 % of careers are derailed for reasons related to emotional competencies.

·70% ofrepparttar 130014 reasons why customers and clients are lost are EQ-related.

·50% of time wasted in business is due to lack of trust.

·Seniors get worse in hospitals whenrepparttar 130015 physical therapists don’t engage with them.

·Counseling clients fail to change because their counselors lack empathy or optimism.

·50% of marriages fail.

. Over 2/3rds of second and third marriages fail.

·Suicide isrepparttar 130016 third leading cause of death for youths aged 15-24 inrepparttar 130017 US.

·Impulsive boys are three to six times as likely to be violent adolescents.

·Low levels of empathy predict poor school performance.

·Gifted children have great difficulty reading social cues which leads to sad and isolated childhoods.

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