How to Grow a Pineapple

Written by Linda Paquette

The first thing you need to grow a pineapple is a pineapple. The pineapple (ananas comosus) is a bromeliad; in fact, one ofrepparttar few in its family that is edible. However,repparttar 144302 fruit of an unripe pineapple is poisonous and will irritate both your mouth and throat. Evenrepparttar 144303 ripe fruit ofrepparttar 144304 houseplant pineapple is not nearly as luscious and sweet as that grown inrepparttar 144305 sands ofrepparttar 144306 tropics; still,repparttar 144307 pineapple is a striking, interesting, and unusual plant to add to your collection.

The pineapple is a biennial. The first year it produces leaves andrepparttar 144308 second year it producesrepparttar 144309 flowering stalk that becomesrepparttar 144310 fruit. Actually,repparttar 144311 pineapple flower becomesrepparttar 144312 popular fruit. A small leaf-like cluster produces up to 200 dagger shaped bracts that arerepparttar 144313 flowers. These flowers have immature ovaries that are called inflorescences. Each ovary turns into a seedless berry,repparttar 144314 berries fuse together into one unit:repparttar 144315 multiple fruit or sorosis we callrepparttar 144316 pineapple.


Written by Judi Singleton

There are over a 200 kinds of hibiscus. They grow all overrepparttar world. They have been associated withrepparttar 144259 Goddess asrepparttar 144260 Rose of Sharon variety. They have a long history. Not surprising as they are beautiful and used for many medicinal purposes.

If your hibiscus has dull medium green heart shaped leaves, dinner plate sized white, pink or red flowers with HUGE, bomb shaped buds (2-4" in length!), it is a perennial, hardy hibiscus.

Hardy hibiscus need very little care overrepparttar 144261 winter, they are root hardy to about zone 5 with no protection. They die torepparttar 144262 ground each year. Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa), also known as roselle, is a flowering shrub inrepparttar 144263 plant family of Malvaceae and isrepparttar 144264 commonly used species of hibiscus for tea. The calyces are used to make cold and hot beverages in many ofrepparttar 144265 world's tropical and subtropical countries. The calyces (or calyxes) are used which arerepparttar 144266 outer portion ofrepparttar 144267 flower bud. The calyces are often referred to as hibiscus flowers in recipes and tea blends. It is also a great contribution torepparttar 144268 popular rosehip tea giving it a lemony flavor and lovely red color. The aroma and taste of Hibiscus is slightly of berry-like aroma. It has a well balanced, tart and astringent flavor.

Hibiscus were once called shoe-black, "indicatingrepparttar 144269 use of its flowers by tropical bootblacks, to polish shoes." (Taylor's Encyclopedia of Gardening, 1961) This wasrepparttar 144270 single reliable reference to this userepparttar 144271 author could discover. Nor could this author allow such a claim to stand without attempting experimentation.One red flower (five petals removed from calyx, stamens, and pistil) did one shoe. The red petals became liquefied and slimy under pressure againstrepparttar 144272 leather. The liquid dried and could be buffed within minutes. The right shoe of an old pair of black business shoes now appears much shinier than its 'sinister' counterpart. The tips ofrepparttar 144273 thumb, index, and middle finger of my right hand were also a dark purple until liquid detergent and a brush were applied. Medicinal Uses

Medicinally, leaves are emollient, and are much used in Guinea as a diuretic, refrigerant, and sedative; fruits are antiscorbutic; leaves, seeds, and ripe calyces are diuretic and antiscorbutic; andrepparttar 144274 succulent calyx, boiled in water, is used as a drink in bilious attacks;repparttar 144275 leaves and powdered seeds are eaten in West Africa. Philippines userepparttar 144276 bitter root as an aperitive and tonic. Angolans userepparttar 144277 mucilaginous leaves as an emollient and as a soothing cough remedy.

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