How to Get Top Search Engine Positioning

Written by David Gikandi

There is a pervasive myth among web site managers that simply submitting your web site to hundreds of search engines will increase traffic to your site. Another myth is that simply inserting META tags in your Web pages will also increase your traffic. Both are just not true. So what works? Search engine positioning. That is by far your best and most affordable bet.

Consider these statistics: Over 95% of Web users find what they are looking for by visitingrepparttar top 6 search engines. Yahoo alone handled over 55 million searches and page views in December 1997. Many of these searches are forrepparttar 128216 products and services that you deal in, guaranteed! Everybody knows that even a few good positions on even one or two important keywords or phrases can drive thousands or hundreds of thousands of quality visitor traffic to a Web site per day. Research has shown that people hardly ever go pastrepparttar 128217 top 30 search results for any one search. The top 10 results receive 78% more traffic than those in position 11 to 30 do. The top 30 results get over 90% ofrepparttar 128218 search traffic. This alone explains why some sites do so well and others so disappointingly, and why it is so critical to be ranked highly.

So how do you position your web site atrepparttar 128219 top of search engine results? Use doorway pages. Doorway pages, also known as entry or bridge pages, are Web pages designed specifically to rank highly onrepparttar 128220 unique ranking algorithms of each search engine. The two best things about using doorway pages is that they cost far less than other promotional tools such as banner ads, and they work better when properly designed. There are two ways to go about creating doorways. You can either do it yourself or have someone do it for you.

If you decide to do it yourself, be prepared to invest a considerable amount of time on them - beatingrepparttar 128221 search engine algorithms is not an easy matter! You should also be prepared to make a number of doorway pages. You must make one doorway page per keyword or keyword phrase that you want to be positioned well in. For best results, depending on your site’s subject matter, you should target 10 to 50 keywords and keyword phrases. Usually, a page that ranks well on one engine may not rank well on other engines. Assuming that you want to make sure that you are ranked highly onrepparttar 128222 five top engines (AltaVista, HotBot, Lycos, Infoseek and Excite – Yahoo does not accept doorway pages), you have to make five versions of each doorway page, each optimized for a particular engine.

Knowing what it takes to make effective doorway pages is not hard – there are lots of good publications that now tell you exactly whatrepparttar 128223 search engines are looking for in a page that will rank highly. One ofrepparttar 128224 best guides to this is "Secrets to Achieving a Top 10 Position", a free 118 page manual that comes free with WebPosition software (see for details). The hard part is in actually creating these doorways! Basically, this is what it would involve:

First, you have to realize that ranking criteria varies from search engine to search engine. Most evaluaterepparttar 128225 placement of keywords or keyword phrases on various parts of your pages based simultaneously on all these criteria:

Prominence ofrepparttar 128226 keyword searched – how early in a page a keyword appears. Frequency ofrepparttar 128227 keyword searched – number of timesrepparttar 128228 keyword appears. Be careful about this. Simply repeatingrepparttar 128229 keyword will not work because grammatical structure and keyword weight also plays a role. Site Popularity – a few search engines consider how popular your site is when ranking. "Weight" ofrepparttar 128230 keywords – that isrepparttar 128231 ratio of keywords to all other words. Each search engine has a threshold. If your page crosses that threshold,repparttar 128232 engine labels it as spam and ignores it. Proximity of keywords – how close togetherrepparttar 128233 keywords are to each other, especially whenrepparttar 128234 item searched for is a phrase. Keyword Placement – these arerepparttar 128235 locations where an engine will look forrepparttar 128236 keyword, e.g. inrepparttar 128237 body, title, META tags, etc. Grammatical structure – some engines consider grammar in their calculations. They do this to make it harder for spammers to do their thing. Synonyms – some engines look for words similar in meaning torepparttar 128238 keyword. As you can see,repparttar 128239 ranking criteria is highly dynamic, using a complex algorithm that integrates allrepparttar 128240 above factors in various proportions and with various maximum and minimum values. An important criteria to look deeper into isrepparttar 128241 keyword placement criteria. These arerepparttar 128242 various places that engines look for keywords:

10 Ways To Indirectly Get To The Top Of Search Engines!

Written by Larry Dotson

There are millions of web sites trying to get listed inrepparttar top 20 spots ofrepparttar 128215 major search engines. That amounts to a lot of competition! I say if you can't get listed atrepparttar 128216 top, indirectly get torepparttar 128217 top.

How do you do this? Look uprepparttar 128218 top 20 web sites onrepparttar 128219 major search engines underrepparttar 128220 keywords and phrases people would find your web site. The key would be to then advertise on those web sites.

The most expensive way would be to buy ad space on those web sites. If you don't want to spend any money, you could userepparttar 128221 ten strategies below. These strategies may not apply to every web site.

1. Participate on their discussion boards. You could post questions, answer other peoples questions, and join in on conversations. Just include your signature file and link atrepparttar 128222 end of your messages.

2. Askrepparttar 128223 web site owner if they would like a free ebook to giveaway to their visitors. You could have them link to your web site or include your ad inrepparttar 128224 free ebook.

3. Submit content to their web site. You could write articles for their web site and include your resource box and link atrepparttar 128225 end ofrepparttar 128226 article. If they publish it, you'll indirectly be atrepparttar 128227 top ofrepparttar 128228 search engines.

4. Write an excellent article review of their web site, products or services. Then publishrepparttar 128229 review on your web site. E-mailrepparttar 128230 web site owner and tell him or her about it. They may link to your web site so their visitors read it.

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