How to Get The Most From Your Home Workouts

Written by Rick DeToma

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A recent study found that home workouts may do even more good than workouts at a gym. This is good news for people who are time crunched and find it's too much trouble to make it to a health club.

So how do you getrepparttar 112910 most from your home workouts? Follow these suggestions:

1. Have A Plan. Know exactly what it is you want to accomplish and how you intend to get there. Plan outrepparttar 112911 exercises andrepparttar 112912 amount of reps and weight you will use. If time is a factor, make surerepparttar 112913 volume of your workout fitsrepparttar 112914 alloted time. If you can only squeeze in 10-15 minutes, then makerepparttar 112915 most of it. Use compound moves forrepparttar 112916 large muscle groups. Use an exercise log and refer back to it. It's a great way to track your progress.

2. Have What You Need. Make sure you have available any equipment you intend to use and that you know how to use it. If you have never used resistance tubes, then practice with them in advance so you get a sense ofrepparttar 112917 tension they provide. If you plan to use a stability ball, make sure you haverepparttar 112918 right size for your height. See a chart here.

Grunting: The Dreaded Free Weight Room

Written by The Icon Diet Reader

By: The Icon Diet Reader

I am new torepparttar world ofrepparttar 112908 gym. Having resolved to make my health and fitness a priority, spending time atrepparttar 112909 gym is becoming a staple in my weekly routine. While I find that I am getting well acquainted with different exercises and exercise machines, there is one area ofrepparttar 112910 gym that I fear to tread.

Behind a partial wall, tucked torepparttar 112911 rear ofrepparttar 112912 building, away fromrepparttar 112913 cardio machines, spinning rooms and yoga mats, isrepparttar 112914 free weight room. When I workrepparttar 112915 weight machines I am a stones throw fromrepparttar 112916 free weight room, not close enough to really see what goes on in there, but definitely close enough to hear what goes on in there.

They say if you sit long enough in one place,repparttar 112917 whole world will pass you by. This may be true, but if you sit long enough nearrepparttar 112918 free weight room, you see a whole other world of gym patron pass you by. Into this mysterious room disappear giant men, their poor t-shirts barely able to contain their burly mass, arms propped out by massive lats; Amazon women with bodies of iron and physique most men would sell their mothers for. They disappear behindrepparttar 112919 wall and for a good while they vanish. All that remains is their grunting.

Fromrepparttar 112920 free weight room issues forth a chorus of hissing and grunting that would put any tennis player to shame. Now being a novice inrepparttar 112921 gym, I can only assumerepparttar 112922 grunting issues forth underrepparttar 112923 Herculean effort needed to heft such tremendous weights. On my side ofrepparttar 112924 wall,repparttar 112925 weight machine side, we are a quiet lot. The only break inrepparttar 112926 peace isrepparttar 112927 occasional clang of a poorly executed rep. In fact, on my side ofrepparttar 112928 gym we are so quite, that no one even notices when we come and go. We are like gym ninjas – stealthy and quite. I would like to think that we choose to leaverepparttar 112929 grunting torepparttar 112930 giants onrepparttar 112931 other side ofrepparttar 112932 wall. Of course, really this is totally untrue. I choose to leaverepparttar 112933 grunting torepparttar 112934 giants onrepparttar 112935 other side ofrepparttar 112936 wall because I am totally ignorant of free weights.

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