How to Get Radio Interviews to Promote Your Service

Written by Mike Moore

How to Get Radio Interviews By Mike Moore

Of allrepparttar marketing methods I employ to getrepparttar 103241 word out about my speaking service and my information productsrepparttar 103242 method I enjoy most involves being interviewed on radio stations throughout North America. The reason they are so enjoyable? They can be done from home overrepparttar 103243 phone while sitting having coffee in your pajamas. They also give you great exposure for no cost to you. To pay for a 15 minute interview would exhaust my publicity budget in no time flat.

When I have a new book coming out or I am going to be speaking in a specific city I immediately send out one page press releases to radio stations inrepparttar 103244 specific city or surrounding area announcingrepparttar 103245 fact and inviting them to call me for an informative and interesting interview. ( I tell how to write an effective one page press release and give samples in my manual " Public Speaking for Profit and Pleasure" I prefer to either fax or snail mailrepparttar 103246 press release torepparttar 103247 media outlets. Emailing them isn't that effective. Many producers are inundated with emailed releases and usually delete them as soon as they come upon them.

I usually get a phone call from a producer or their assistant if they are interested and they uysually are if I have writtenrepparttar 103248 press release in an enticing manner. Inrepparttar 103249 past 2 months I have had about 4 interviews ranging from 15 minutes in length to 35 minutes.

Beforerepparttar 103250 on-air experience a producer will want to talk to you to see if you will make a good guest or not. If they want to proceed they'll set up a time forrepparttar 103251 actual on air interview. If they aren't interested they will usually say that they'll get back to you and you will never hear from them again. Be enthusiastic, informative and brief with your answers. Don't hogrepparttar 103252 conversation. Giverepparttar 103253 interviewer a chance to get a word in and don't over plug your book or event.

Think Outside The Box!

Written by Robert Thompson

Think Outside The Box!

By Robert Thompson Posted 28 Feb 05

One ofrepparttar things that I like to do with my spare time is visit various business forums and chat rooms. It is interesting to see what others are thinking, and once in awhile, I run across a question or post that makes for a good article.

Here is a good example fromrepparttar 103240 SMC Members Forum. I have changedrepparttar 103241 name to protectrepparttar 103242 identity and privacy ofrepparttar 103243 user. This post represents a very common sentiment throughoutrepparttar 103244 stay at home job community.

From Jennifer

I just started SMC not to long ago and I have mostly heard negative things in this forum. When I say negative I mean people who have been in 3-4 months and have not had any luck. That is very discouraging. I also noticed their are a lot of SMC members competing for business. This is also discouraging. Is there no one else that has success from this business with any marketing method? I think I'm going to ask for a refund. People these days are cruel.

Hello Jennifer,

Hang in there. You are just getting started, and you still haven't even paid for a business education yet. Once you spend a few hundred bucks on a promotion that fails to bring in a sale, you will understand why I say this. I don't think of my screwups as failures. Instead, I think ofrepparttar 103245 money spent as tuition for a new business lesson. LOL

Here are a few things to think about:

1. You are right aboutrepparttar 103246 level of competition amongst SMC members. With several members selling items on Ebay, for example. Your chances of earning a decent profit there is limited by your knowledge ofrepparttar 103247 little things (jacking uprepparttar 103248 shipping costs to coverrepparttar 103249 cost ofrepparttar 103250 item sold, or how to effectively follow up with another offer torepparttar 103251 customers who do buy).

Regardless of whether you are selling products from a large wholesaler, such as SMC, or promoting an affiliate program, such as SFI or Empowerment, you will find this to be true.

Sincerepparttar 103252 competition is so heavy inrepparttar 103253 more traditional venues, it is best to avoid them until you have a better understanding ofrepparttar 103254 unwritten rules ofrepparttar 103255 game.

2. Think outside ofrepparttar 103256 box. For example, if you develop a niche market for a small selection of items, you can earn just as much, if not more than if you were adding all 4,000 items to your website.

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