How to Get FLASH Indexed in the Search Engines

Written by Robin Nobles

Perhaps you can relate torepparttar involuntary groan elicited by search engine optimizers when a client presents an expensive new Web site featuring high quality FLASH movie content.

Of course,repparttar 128161 client (or maybe your boss?) is thrilled withrepparttar 128162 dazzling presentation, and they rarely fail to mention what a "small fortune" it cost to produce before adding "it's worth it!...don't you agree? All it needs now is for YOU to optimize it for findability inrepparttar 128163 search engines."

Isn't it funny? ... how they fail to noticerepparttar 128164 color rushing to your face as you suppressrepparttar 128165 urge to scream and opt instead forrepparttar 128166 tactful approach, patiently explaining (once again) that FLASH doesn't score well in search engines.

Don't panic -- there IS a solution!

Here's a solution you can use to getrepparttar 128167 best of both worlds - search engine findability andrepparttar 128168 professional image enhancement that FLASH can provide.

The strategy involves using an absolute positioning technique called Z Order within your Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). For this to make sense, you must first understand what Z Order is. Microsoft's MSDN ( site explains...

The Z order of a window indicatesrepparttar 128169 window's position in a stack of overlapping windows. This window stack is oriented along an imaginary axis,repparttar 128170 z-axis, extending outward fromrepparttar 128171 screen. The window atrepparttar 128172 top ofrepparttar 128173 Z order overlaps all other windows. The window atrepparttar 128174 bottom ofrepparttar 128175 Z order is overlapped by all other windows.

In non-technogeekspeak, Z Order allows you to place content partially, or even fully, on top of other content. Since onlyrepparttar 128176 content on top is viewable, it's entirely possible to place an unintelligible-to-search-engines FLASH movie on top of an easy- to-index-layer of relevant text content. And, by doing so, your site visitor sees onlyrepparttar 128177 FLASH movie whilerepparttar 128178 engine sees only your relevant keyword-laden text.

How to create Z Order using CSS

To accomplishrepparttar 128179 magic it's helpful to first understand what a very basic CSS using Z Order source code might look like. To viewrepparttar 128180 basic example, visitrepparttar 128181 complete article online at:

Source ofrepparttar 128182 example: 14.htm

Notice thatrepparttar 128183 highest value --

-- isrepparttar 128184 "window" that lands on top. This is important to understand because that's how we're going to performrepparttar 128185 magic.

FLASH over, RELEVANT CONTENT under = SE indexability

By now you've probably deduced we're going to layer our relevant content exactly beneath our FLASH movie. By doing so,repparttar 128186 site visitor will see onlyrepparttar 128187 FLASH movie in their browser whilerepparttar 128188 search engine will find, and index,repparttar 128189 "relevant content" because search engines "view" onlyrepparttar 128190 source code ofrepparttar 128191 page (notrepparttar 128192 browser version) and they index onlyrepparttar 128193 TEXT they find within that source code.

To better illustrate how this might look, we enlistedrepparttar 128194 help of Web designer Dave Barry of SmartCertify Direct -- Dave was kind enough to create an example site employing a transparent FLASH movie to help us visualizerepparttar 128195 effect. As Dave explains...

Deep Submission: Submitting the inner pages of your web site

Written by Donald Nelson

If I ask you how many web sites do you have? You may say “One, yes it is “ or “two” in case you have a second organization or company. When I first began promoting my web sites I was, like most people, only thinking in terms of one web address,repparttar url of my main page. And I thought that this main page was a difficult one to promote because it wasrepparttar 128160 index page of a magazine that covered a wide variety of fields (environment, arts, science, politics, spirituality, etc). How could I optimize a page for so many keywords, which market could I focus on?

It was only after discussingrepparttar 128161 subject with another web master, who had a similar site, that I learned thatrepparttar 128162 diversity of allrepparttar 128163 inner pages of my site was a huge asset. Each of these pages was like a mini-website, and capable of attracting a multitude of visitors using a variety of keywords. Part of my ignorance at that point was due to a lack of accurate tracking data. I had a simple tracker onrepparttar 128164 main page that told how many visits that page was getting, but I had no idea of what was happening deeper insiderepparttar 128165 site. Then I was able to get access torepparttar 128166 raw access logs ofrepparttar 128167 site and using a log analysis tool I began to seerepparttar 128168 real picture of what was happening.

I saw thatrepparttar 128169 main page was getting one third ofrepparttar 128170 total traffic ofrepparttar 128171 site. I found out that one article, “The Causes of Tropical Deforestation” was a big hit and consistently getting a lot of traffic. Other articles were also quite popular, but covering completely different subjects. It was then that I realized that I had not one web site, but more than 100 web sites.

What does all this mean in terms of design, optimization and submission? It means that one has to realize that people may well enter your site throughrepparttar 128172 “side door” orrepparttar 128173 “back door” and you have to prepare accordingly.

For design, it means thatrepparttar 128174 structure of your pages and navigation system should inviterepparttar 128175 people who enter fromrepparttar 128176 inner pages, to make it to your important pages (about us, main page, or your order page!). For optimization it means that you should take more care aboutrepparttar 128177 placing of keywords, description and title tags on allrepparttar 128178 pages. Have you ever seen websites whererepparttar 128179 blue line atrepparttar 128180 top ofrepparttar 128181 browser is showingrepparttar 128182 title ofrepparttar 128183 page to be “New Page”? Even very good designers become a little bit sloppy onrepparttar 128184 inner pages, and though they do usually manage to put a proper page title on those pages, they seldom takerepparttar 128185 trouble to write separate meta tags forrepparttar 128186 keywords and descriptions. But as I learned, these pages are an asset and can be optimized and promoted to gain more traffic.

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