How to Follow Up For Success

Written by Warren Smith

How to Follow Up For Success (c) 2003 Warren Smith

If you have been online for more than a day, you've heard some 'guru' say that you must 'follow up at least five times' with every prospective customer in order to makerepparttar sale.

Well, it's true.

Following up with those who ask for more information is perhapsrepparttar 120889 most powerful marketing technique onrepparttar 120890 Internet, and one ofrepparttar 120891 least used. Think of it this way, if you have a very successful website you will convert 5% of visitors into customers.

That leaves 95% of visitors in a kind of information 'no man's land' unless you follow up with them.

Follow up works because people buy from people they trust and building trust takes time. In addition, when a person first visits your web site they might not be *able* to buy.

How many of us have seen a product or service we want (but needed to wait for payday to get) and then forgotten to return and makerepparttar 120892 purchase?

For these reasons and more, anyone who sells online needs a follow up system containing at least five messages. The good news is that it's very easy to create a powerful follow up system. In fact, you can create your own follow up system by following these five simple steps.

1. Write downrepparttar 120893 three most important benefits of your product or service. Remember that people buy benefits, not features. A feature is what a product does; a benefit is what your product does for me.

A good example of features vs. benefits might be someone who purchases life insurance. While life insurance protects one's family in case of a tragic loss,repparttar 120894 reason people buy it is that it provides peace of mind inrepparttar 120895 here and now. People are buying peace of mind, not insurance.

Test Your Marketing Strategies & Systems Or Fail...

Written by Duncan Carver

----------------------------------------------------------------- Test Your Marketing Strategies & Systems Or Fail... -----------------------------------------------------------------

Duncan Carver Copyright 2003

If you're not currently testing your marketing strategies & systems, you're in serious trouble. You're essentially shooting blanks to try and fertilizerepparttar golden egg that isrepparttar 120888 revenue of your business. There are only two types of business people online, those who test, track, and succeed, and those who fail.

Which would you rather be?

Here are 5 different marketing components you should be testing right now to improve your conversion ratios, your bottom line & your overall marketing strategy...

---> Your Sales Letter <---

Your sales letter isrepparttar 120889 most important component of your overall marketing strategy.

It's your vehicle to convince people to take action now and generaterepparttar 120890 sale. But most sales letters can be improved. In fact, I guarantee thatrepparttar 120891 sales letter you're using right now can be improved.

Use a professional split-run testing application likerepparttar 120892 "Scientific Internet Marketing Assistant" ( to start testing two or more different sales letters against one another to see which one producesrepparttar 120893 best conversion ratio of visitors to sales.

Once you've discovered that, use your best performing sales letter as a control, and test it again to improve your conversion ratios further & directly increaserepparttar 120894 revenue you generate.

Try testing long sales letters VS short sales letters. Test hard sell sales letters against soft sell sales letters.

Evenrepparttar 120895 slightest increase of just a percent or more could meanrepparttar 120896 difference between adding an additional several thousand dollars to your revenue earning potential this year, or missing out on it altogether.

---> Your Sales Letter Headline & Other Components <---

Once you've foundrepparttar 120897 better performing sales letter overall, start testing different headlines to see which one works better.

Your sales letter headline isrepparttar 120898 most important component. It's what triggers your visitor's attention, drawing them intorepparttar 120899 rest of your copy. Once you've foundrepparttar 120900 better performing headline, work your way through testingrepparttar 120901 other important components of your sales letter.

Test different openings, different feature & benefit combinations, different closings & free bonus offers. Test different guarantees.

Working you way through you sales letter like this, measuring your conversion ratios as you go right through torepparttar 120902 order process, isrepparttar 120903 ONLY way to ensure your sales letter is converting as many people as possible into actual customers.

---> Website Design <---

Once you've got your sales letter sorted out don't stop there.

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