How to Feng Shui Your Home to Make it Sell Quicker

Written by Elaine VonCannon

Feng Shui Your Home to Help it Sell Quicker by Elaine VonCannon

In a competitive real estate market, home sellers are looking forrepparttar edge to make their home sell fast. Feng Shui, orrepparttar 102997 ancient Chinese art of placement, is one answer. Jaan Ferree, a Feng Shui consultant based in Asheville, North Carolina, explains. that Feng Shui is “havingrepparttar 102998 intention to pay attention” to your environment. I recently asked Jaan for a few Feng Shui pointers to helprepparttar 102999 home seller find a buyer faster. Here are some of her Feng Shui ideas forrepparttar 103000 home seller.

House Number Jaan Ferree suggests taking a closer look atrepparttar 103001 house number and position onrepparttar 103002 block. As a buyer approachesrepparttar 103003 home is it easy to tell he or she is atrepparttar 103004 right place? Isrepparttar 103005 number ofrepparttar 103006 home visible? Front Door and Approach Make surerepparttar 103007 entrance to your home is easily discernable. Ifrepparttar 103008 entrance is notrepparttar 103009 front door, is it obvious torepparttar 103010 visitor where they enter? Isrepparttar 103011 walk fromrepparttar 103012 car torepparttar 103013 door safe, well defined, well lit, and attractive? Ferree saysrepparttar 103014 front porch, door, and threshold should be welcoming and have a "greeter". Use a pot of geraniums, other flowers or plants, a statue, or an attractive welcome mat. She also suggests a beautiful color onrepparttar 103015 door, wind chime, basket hung onrepparttar 103016 wall besiderepparttar 103017 door, plaque besiderepparttar 103018 door or other plants or objects which will "liftrepparttar 103019 chi" (energy) ofrepparttar 103020 person approachingrepparttar 103021 entrance torepparttar 103022 home. Finally, a clear bell or doorknocker, to let someone know you are there, is always helpful.

Trimrepparttar 103023 Bushes Make certain shrubbery and landscaping is not overgrown. If it is,repparttar 103024 energy may haverepparttar 103025 effect of "pushingrepparttar 103026 person away" who is approachingrepparttar 103027 entrance torepparttar 103028 home. The best plants to linerepparttar 103029 edge ofrepparttar 103030 walkway have soft round corners. Avoid sharp pointed plants or objects.

Interior Entranceway Once you enterrepparttar 103031 homerepparttar 103032 space insiderepparttar 103033 door should be clear of clutter and obstructions. If there is a wall directly across fromrepparttar 103034 entrance Ferree says that placing a mirror or art onrepparttar 103035 wall will liftrepparttar 103036 chi tremendously. This Feng Shui treatment makes sense because it prevents your visitor from walking into a blank wall. It also makes something visible that will immediately liftrepparttar 103037 spirits of your guest. Ferree suggests paying close attention torepparttar 103038 “subtle environmental clues” inrepparttar 103039 interior ofrepparttar 103040 home to make sure that you are not pushing someone away withrepparttar 103041 objects inrepparttar 103042 space, or making them have to "get smaller" to walk throughrepparttar 103043 space.

Tales from the Corporate Frontlines: Human Resources at Work

Written by Josh Greenberg

This article relates torepparttar Human Resource Functions competency, commonly evaluated in employee satisfaction surveys. It reflects one employee's satisfaction withrepparttar 102996 manner in which her HR department carried out their work. This competency examines how your employees feel with regards torepparttar 102997 quality and implementation ofrepparttar 102998 human resource role within your organization. A human resource department that is properly informed of employee issues, demonstrates a high integrity level, and communicates effectively with staff and management should expect a high satisfaction level in this competency area.

This short story, Human Resources at Work, is part of AlphaMeasure's compilation, Tales Fromrepparttar 102999 Corporate Frontlines. It illustrates how a competent, compassionate staff can perform their HR functions and really make a difference inrepparttar 103000 lives of employees, creating goodwill that spreads throughoutrepparttar 103001 workplace.

Anonymous Submission: Human Resources at Work

I've worked at a few different companies, and never had much interaction with human resources departments, other than hiring and benefits enrollment paperwork.

I'd like to tell you about one staff member who really made a difference in my life. Stricken with a sudden and very debilitating sickness, I was completely confused about my benefits and responsibilities with regard to time off for treatment, andrepparttar 103002 coverage provided by my company-paid health insurance plan. I'd rarely even been sick before, and never hospitalized.

I called work from my hospital bed to tell my manager what had happened. I asked a few questions about my options and he told me he hadn't a clue---and offered to transfer my call torepparttar 103003 HR department. I really didn't know what to expect. I had heard some lunchroom complaints abut nasty attitude overrepparttar 103004 years, but had no reason to expect a problem in this situation. Still, I was nervous.

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