How to Ensure Quality Control with CO2 Analytical Support

Written by Leanne Merz

Calibration standards, performance audits, andrepparttar FDA's never-ending safety, labeling, and inspection requirements are justrepparttar 136551 tip ofrepparttar 136552 iceberg when it comes to dealing withrepparttar 136553 increasingly stringent quality control standards ofrepparttar 136554 beverage industry. As these quality standards become stricter, beverage producers are increasingly called upon to get products to market faster using fewer resources, while simultaneously managing ingredient quality, and ultimately, risk.

Mix rigorous regulations and mounting market challenges with exploding competition andrepparttar 136555 opportunity for enormous economic reward, and it becomes obvious that products must be perfectrepparttar 136556 first time around to fulfill production requirements, comply with distribution standards, and ultimately provide each consumer withrepparttar 136557 exact same exceptional product every time.

All of which makes quality control more necessary than ever.

Quality Assurance inrepparttar 136558 beverage industry starts by ensuring that top quality gases are used to performrepparttar 136559 carbonation process and continues throughrepparttar 136560 bottling and distributing process with a high-tech quality control examination.

Onrepparttar 136561 top ofrepparttar 136562 list of gases regulated inrepparttar 136563 world of drink is carbon dioxide (CO2), one ofrepparttar 136564 main components of many ofrepparttar 136565 beverages produced today, including soda, beer, sparkling water, and sports drinks. CO2 has also become a major constituent of orange juice through supercritical CO2 processing during pasteurization and has even enteredrepparttar 136566 world of dairy withrepparttar 136567 addition of "Refreshing Power Milk," a new carbonated milk hybrid, torepparttar 136568 refreshments market.

Leading beverage manufacturers in this $700 billion industry are takingrepparttar 136569 critical step to ensure purity of beverage-grade CO2 by using analytical support gases and quality assurance services. Since ensuring purity of CO2 is such a crucial factor inrepparttar 136570 beverage production process, choosing a specialty gas company to provide purification, calibration, and cross-reference services for your products should be a priority.

Keep in mind that specialty gas companies outside ofrepparttar 136571 beverage industry hold a uniquely favorable position as authoritative and neutral third-party qualifiers. These companies provide experience in developing trace contaminant calibration standards as well as independence fromrepparttar 136572 supply and certification of beverage grade CO2, which helps to ensure unbiased statistical and graphical reporting.

Regardless ofrepparttar 136573 industry from whichrepparttar 136574 service company originates, it is vital that it provides specialized service inrepparttar 136575 CO2 industry and adheres to industry standards on commercial quality with regard to CO2.

Some more guidelines to consider when choosing a Quality Control Specialty Gas Service:

How Specialty Gases Differ from Industrial Gases

Written by Bob Davis

When it comes to compressed gases, there is often confusion overrepparttar difference between industrial gases (sometimes referred to as commodity or bulk gases) and specialty gases (sometimes referred to as cylinder gases, although industrial gases can also be supplied in cylinders). The Compressed Gas Association (CGA), who sets standards to which suppliers of all types of compressed gases conform, defines its mission as being “dedicated torepparttar 136550 development and promotion of safety standards and safe practices inrepparttar 136551 industrial gas industry.” In a broad sense, in that most compressed gases are used for some sort of industrial application, all could be considered to be industrial gases. So to definerepparttar 136552 true difference between industrial gases and specialty gases, one must look beyondrepparttar 136553 application to other factors such as complexity, level of purity and certainty of composition.

According torepparttar 136554 CGA compressed gases are often grouped into five loosely defined families: atmospheric; fuel; refrigerant; poisonous; and those having no obvious ties to any ofrepparttar 136555 other families. Assignment to these families is somewhat arbitrary and typically based onrepparttar 136556 origin, use or chemical structure of a gas. Specialty gases can belong to any of these five families. Essentially, they are industrial gases taken to a higher level. The dictionary describes one ofrepparttar 136557 definitions ofrepparttar 136558 word specialty as: an unusual, distinctive, or superior mark or quality. Specialty gases then, can be defined as high-quality gases for specific applications that are prepared using laboratory analysis and other preparation methods in order to quantify, minimize or eliminate unknown or undesirable characteristics withinrepparttar 136559 gas. Regarding specialty gas mixtures, precise blending is also necessary to achieve very specific concentration values forrepparttar 136560 components contained withinrepparttar 136561 mixture.

Specialty pure gases Pure gases are considered to be specialty gases when they are used as support gases for laboratory instruments such as chromatographs, mass spectrometers and other various types of analyzers and detectors. Manufacturers of these types of highly sensitive instruments normally specifyrepparttar 136562 purity level of pure gases to be used with their instruments. For example, high-purity, moisture-free helium is often used as a carrier gas in these instruments. When unwanted impurities are present, performance of a laboratory instrument may be compromised, orrepparttar 136563 instrument itself may be damaged. A good rule of thumb is, when purity (sometimes as high as 99.9999%) and/or quantification of trace impurities is an issue, a pure gas is considered to be a specialty pure. Specialty pure gases are used inrepparttar 136564 manufacturing of semiconductors and other closely controlled applications as well. They may also be used to assess and monitorrepparttar 136565 integrity of a bulk pure gas. Carbon dioxide is a good example. Beverage-quality CO2, as used inrepparttar 136566 manufacture of soft drinks, can be classified as being more of a bulk-type gas because it is used in large quantities. However, because purity is a health concern, a specialty pure CO2, in which all trace impurities have been carefully quantified, is needed to calibrate instruments used to monitorrepparttar 136567 purity ofrepparttar 136568 bulk CO2.

Specialty gas mixtures Many specialty gases are actually gas mixtures that contain individual components. They are frequently used with various types of analyzers for process control and regulatory compliance. Some specialty mixtures are somewhat “standard” and may contain only three or four components, such as nitric oxide and sulfur dioxide mixtures that are used by utility companies to calibrate Continuous Emissions Monitors (CEMs). Others may be quite complex, containing as many as 30 or more components. Usually, a specialty gas mixture is prepared using a Standard Reference Material (SRM) in order to validate accurate measurement ofrepparttar 136569 mixture’s components. This provides what is known as traceability to a known measurement standard from a recognized metrology institution such asrepparttar 136570 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Specialty mixtures typically have components measured in percentages, parts-per-million and parts-per-billion.

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