How to Easily Turn Free Content into Traffic or Cash Fast

Written by Daegan Smith

I bet you already knew this.

The two largest problems that online home businesses face in 2005 is creating traffic and creating a profit. It seems like everyone has great “ideas” about how to help you increase both your website’s traffic and profitability, but when you try these “ideas” yourself they don’t seem to work as well as “they” said they would. Well, finally…. You’re going to learn some simple tactics using free website content to create either traffic or profit (your choice) that are GUARANTEED to work as long asrepparttar internet exists.

The reason that these simple tactics will work is because they’re based on an even simpler formula. If you remember nothing else in this report remember this:


All too oftenrepparttar 105717 elegance ofrepparttar 105718 above formula is devalued, butrepparttar 105719 truth is…repparttar 105720 above formula ISrepparttar 105721 internet. When you searchrepparttar 105722 internet for information you’re usingrepparttar 105723 above formula to findrepparttar 105724 information that you seek.

Here’s what I mean, when you put a search query into one ofrepparttar 105725 major search engine and press search you get a list of content and links. Here’s howrepparttar 105726 above formula applies torepparttar 105727 major search engines. You ONLY userepparttar 105728 major search engines to find whatever it is that you are searching for because you TRUSTrepparttar 105729 websites thatrepparttar 105730 major search engines bring you arerepparttar 105731 most relevant to what you're searching for (or in other words high quality free content). Because you viewrepparttar 105732 content ofrepparttar 105733 major search engines as valuable you click thru onrepparttar 105734 links. The reason major search engines are credible and seen as valuable by you is because you valuerepparttar 105735 quality ofrepparttar 105736 free content that they provide. Google and Yahoo make billions of dollars a year ONLY because they are able to give yourepparttar 105737 quality content that you seek. I don’t mean to belaborrepparttar 105738 point, but I just want you to seerepparttar 105739 value of relevant free content.

The major search engine use complex mathematics to bring you relevant information to get your clicks - you, onrepparttar 105740 other hand, have to takerepparttar 105741 other route. You must providerepparttar 105742 high quality content FIRST then give your links in order to getrepparttar 105743 clicks. The simplest way for you to do this is by picking a topic that you know a great deal about then find out if that information is something that will be of interest to others. If that content does hold some universal interest then you simply create an article or report based on that topic plus add a link to whatever you want atrepparttar 105744 bottom in your “resource box” and then distribute that content to those that would be interested inrepparttar 105745 information that you provide. At this point your content hungry audience will take care ofrepparttar 105746 rest for you.

Let’s break downrepparttar 105747 steps just so they’re simple for you to implement…

Finding a Topic and Determining its Value:

Think about something that you know a great deal about and then brainstorm around that idea. After you have a few good ideas based on your brainstorming you'll want to determine whether or not there’s an audience hungry for information based on your ideas. You do that by going to and checking a few keywords based on your topic for traffic. If your topic seems to produce a good deal of traffic then you’ve found a hungry audience that’s ready and waiting for your article or free report.

Creatingrepparttar 105748 Article or Report:

Now for what you probably think isrepparttar 105749 hard part, but honestly writing an article or report based on something that you know a great deal about will not be much work at all. The hardest part will be organizing your ideas and getting yourself to actually sit down and start writing. After thatrepparttar 105750 thoughts will just flow ontorepparttar 105751 page for you.

Here are some article writing guidelines and tips…

First: Determine what type of quality content you want to create.

•Tips: The simplest strategy is simply to write a report by simple gathering a few tips and then writing a few sentences about each of your proposed tips based on your topic. I’m sure you’ve seen these articles all overrepparttar 105752 internet. They generally followrepparttar 105753 format “7 Tips to….” •Tutorial: Another Strategy is to write a tutorial to help your audience do something that you may know more about then they do. •Resources: The last strategy that I will provide to you here to help you get started is to create a report full of valuable resources that your audience may like to know about. This strategy is generally not one that I would recommend because it less personal thanrepparttar 105754 other two described and will be less effective.

Second: Organize your content.

Now that you know what type of content you want to create take a few minutes to write out an outline. You want to have an opening paragraph that will describe what you plan to achieve with your article or report, and then a few body paragraphs to elaborate your major points of discussion.

Third: Create a strong headline.

In an effort to keep things simple, a title that is structured as a question or begins with “how to” generally pulls a better response than headlines that don’t. If you’re stuck on this point here is a great article to help you along

Fourth: Flesh out your outline.

Now that you know what you’re going to write about, all you have left to do is flesh out each point in your outline with a few sentences. Honestly, you can cheat at this point if you want by hiring a ghostwriter to flesh out your content at, but I would advice you to go ahead and write your article yourself. The truth is you’ll probably enjoy doing it. So, don’t be scared give it a try!

Last: Add Your All important link.

Atrepparttar 105755 end of your article you get to add a link to whatever you want. If you want that link to refer your audience to your web site for personal site traffic then use it for that. If you want your link to refer your audience to an affiliate program then use your resource box link for that purpose. Immediate cash or site traffic it’s all up to you!

How to Distribute your Content to Your Hungry Audience:

Now that you have your quality content ready for your audience you need multiple ways to distribute it to them. I contend that there is only one online method that is worth your effort so I will discuss it here.

Why You’re Not Blogging - And Why You Should Start Today

Written by Tinu Abayomi-Paul

Those of you who aren't ready to wade intorepparttar Blog pool are taking your time for several reasons, according to my informal interviews with people before and after they blog. Others start blogging and then abandon their projects too soon, unaware ofrepparttar 105716 benefits.

Whatever your reason, you should get started now - or get back to blogging asrepparttar 105717 case may be. Here’s some motivating enlightenment that you may find surprising.

Reason # 1 that you aren't blogging - You don't realize how hugerepparttar 105718 benefits are, and how much they may outweigh any monetary or time costs involved.

I think number one may partlyrepparttar 105719 fault of people like me, who have a foot inrepparttar 105720 marketing arena, and don't explainrepparttar 105721 idea in detail.

We tend to tell you how great blogging is, but we don't tell you why, or better yet, show you. Or we tell you how to getrepparttar 105722 best results with your blog, but don't tell you where to start. Let's talk about some ofrepparttar 105723 basic facts.

If you've ever dreamed of going from getting 10 hits a month to getting a few dozen visitors a day from search engines, blogging can make it possible, if you do it right. The structure of a blog, andrepparttar 105724 fact that most of them automatically generate content feeds, also make themrepparttar 105725 best food for your friendly neighborhood search engine spider.

If you would like to have visitors come back to your site over and over again, until they buy, you may want to be a blogger. An informative blog that engages your audience shortensrepparttar 105726 sales cycle. It also creates a courtship period. They can subscribe to your thoughts, see if they like you, even get to know you a little.

People buy from people they like. I don’t remember who said it first, but I’ve learned that it’srepparttar 105727 truth.

If your visitors don't feel like they are getting a personality vibe from you, they are often less likely to buy. Vibe = buy. Remember that, and that blogs make it easy for you to vibe.

If you'd like to create new targeted search engine pages for your site without needing to hand-code a new page, or fire up your HTML editor every time, you may enjoy blogging. You log in to your blog admin panel, type your thoughts, proofread, press publish.

Presto. You’re a blogger.

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