How to Easily Create An Internet Marketing Database, Software Review

Written by Laurie Meade

How to Easily Create An Internet Marketing Database, Software Review

I recently hadrepparttar opportunity to review a really cool piece of software for internet marketers.

It is called PromoBuddy. It is a database program that is geared toward helpingrepparttar 121132 internet marketer keep allrepparttar 121133 resources they use on a regular basis at there fingertips and easily accessable.

I started using it, and for 4 days now, there has not been more than a few hours go buy when it is not open and minimized ready for me to pull up at a second's thought.

I have been able to compile all 18 articles that I have written for promotion into one place.

I have been able to compile a list of over 80 internet marketing articles with useful information I may want to refer back to. Or these articles can be cut and pasted into future ezines.

This program allows me to store all my key words for each page on my site, for affiliate programs that I promote, and even has a section for my classified ads.

It has files for me to keep all my log in details, and it keeps a list of Ezine databases, and Article Databases at my fingertips. I was able to go downrepparttar 121134 list, submit an article and know which ones still need that article.

What an awesome tool to save time and keep organized.

It was written by a internet marketer based in Germany, Detlev Reimer. He has been marketing online for 15 months now, and told me he just went full timerepparttar 121135 first of Jan. 2003.

His web page is an education, in and of itself. It has links to screenshots of allrepparttar 121136 different aspects ofrepparttar 121137 program.

Are You A Pelican Marketer?

Written by Willie Crawford

Watchingrepparttar pelicans catch fish near my house reminded me of how some online marketers behave. These pelicans fly high overrepparttar 121131 water whererepparttar 121132 unknowing fish don't notice them. The pelicans spot a big fish and dive at high speed intorepparttar 121133 water. A few seconds laterrepparttar 121134 pelican surfaces and gulps downrepparttar 121135 fish.

There's only one problem withrepparttar 121136 way this particular species of pelican fishes. Their method eventually leads to their demise. You see, asrepparttar 121137 pelican dives intorepparttar 121138 water at high speed, intensely focusing onrepparttar 121139 target fish, he is damaging his eyes. Eventually, these pelicans go blind, then they starve to death.

There are other water bird that slowly swim along, and when then spot a fish, they dive for it and seem to have just as much success asrepparttar 121140 pelicans at getting a meal. Their tried and true method provides them with a nice meal too. Swimming along looking for fish rather than flying aboverepparttar 121141 water has other hazards, but they don't blind themselves inrepparttar 121142 process of getting a meal!

Many online marketers, are "pelican marketers." They fly high aboverepparttar 121143 market place looking for an unaware victim or prospect. Then they swoop down forcefully and offer them a product or service thatrepparttar 121144 marketer really doesn't even believe in. He eats that day, he makes a profit. However, inrepparttar 121145 process he often destroys all possibilities of repeat sales. He burnsrepparttar 121146 bridge to future business, in effect "putting out his own eyes."

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