How to Earn with the Secret of Persistance

Written by Timothy L. Drobnick Sr.

This article was orginally written to teach my members how to get ISP clients, but you can use it for almost any business that you are in. --------------------------------

Howrepparttar secret of persistance can help earn high profits as your own Internet Service Provider ISP.

So how do you actually get hundreds of clients to pay you every month for you to host their websites, email services, domain names, and other internet services?

I will revealrepparttar 121458 secrets in these series of letters.

The principal of persistance seems too obvious, but therein liesrepparttar 121459 secret. It is like laying diamonds all over a parking lot. People would assume they were broken glass because if it was so valuable others would have already picked them up.

I used this secret in my small hometown of Sheridan, Wyoming, (see

This is how I built a janitorial business in this little town. You will see how these principals can easily be converted to building your own ISP business.

Upon first examination there were many reasons that I could not succeed:

1. With a population of 13,000 people, it would seem my opportunties were limited for building a business.

2. Worse yet my chosen field of business, janitorial, had an abundance of worthy competitors.

3. My competitors were well enforced with uniforms, brand new painted trucks, powerful equipment, and a trained work force for cleaning and marketing, and an extensive advertising budge.

4. There were only 1000 businesses total in Sheridan, Wyoming, and many of those were home based and would not require a janitorial service.

5. We were inrepparttar 121460 middle of a national recession, and it did not seem that 1981 was a good time to start a business.

5. I had no advertising budget, no equipment, very little professional training with cleaning systems and chemicals, no uniforms, a beat up old truck, and $17.00 worth of pop bottles.

This surely was a formula for failure.

But there was one more thing that I had: Persistance.

My plan was to make one index card for every business in town, and then to contact every single business one time per month.

The first time I contacted every business, just by chance I found 3 people unhappy at that moment with their janitorial contractor and decided to give me a try. I found $300.00 per month worth of work.

After contactingrepparttar 121461 businesses I would separaterepparttar 121462 cards into these catagories:

1. Those that I felt would never have use for a janitorial service.

2. Those that already had a janitorial service but did not want to change to a new service.

3. Those that did not have a janitorial service but could probably use one.

4. Those that had a janitorial service but indicated that they may change services inrepparttar 121463 future.

I continued to call catagories 2 to 4 one time every month picking up a new contract or two each time. I always made notes onrepparttar 121464 cards to refresh my memory, and after 6 months of doing this most ofrepparttar 121465 local business owners started to get to know who I was.

How to get clients from local businesses

Written by Timothy L. Drobnick Sr.

This article was written to teach my members how to get clients for ISP websites, but it can work for almost anything that you are selling to local businesses.

I advise that you try forrepparttar mom and pop shops whererepparttar 121457 owner is onrepparttar 121458 premises.

Rule #1 Always treatrepparttar 121459 receptionist asrepparttar 121460 owner because he/she just may berepparttar 121461 owner.

Rule #2 Ifrepparttar 121462 receptionist does not like you, you will probably never seerepparttar 121463 owner.

Rule #3 If you do seerepparttar 121464 owner, rememberrepparttar 121465 owner may rely on their receptionist's opinion.

Here is what you say when you go inrepparttar 121466 door:

"Could you tell merepparttar 121467 person that is in charge of your website?

or better yet

"Are yourepparttar 121468 person that is in charge of your website?"

DO not ask "Do you have a website?" They will say yes and you are done, or they will say we don't want one" so don't ask that.

If they say they do not have a website, ask, "If you did have one, who would be in charge of it?"

This will tell yourepparttar 121469 person to talk to and usually will get you pastrepparttar 121470 receptionist.

When you talk torepparttar 121471 person that is in charge, introduce yourself as a local ISP, and offer your services.

You will have to ask questions and get them talking. The more they talkrepparttar 121472 more you will find out what it is you can do for them.

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