How to Create an Easy Team Building Contest for Network Marketing Success

Written by Brenda Lilly

You want a strong and successful Network Marketing business, right? If your with an exciting, innovative company, you are probably use to participating in team contests. The question is, how do you develop that kind of excitement in your own home-based business? This article gives yourepparttar tools to create your own contest for your team.

You don’t have to be atrepparttar 142321 top ofrepparttar 142322 best mlm company to develop this type of excitement in your own business. It’s actually very easy. To start, think about what your team needs to concentrate on to reach their bottom-line goals. Is it talking to more people? Gaining sponsorships? Meeting customers needs? In your contest, focus onrepparttar 142323 activity that will help them achieve that goal. Set a time frame, such as one week or one month. The best results are achieved with contests lasting one month or less. Contests extending beyond one month tend to causerepparttar 142324 energy levels to subside.

Make sure you create a way for your team to be accountable. Have them e-mail you daily, fill out an activity form and fax it in, or post their activities on an Internet message board you create forrepparttar 142325 team. Most important, decide a clear criteria that definesrepparttar 142326 winner, such as most sponsorships or most customers byrepparttar 142327 end ofrepparttar 142328 time frame.

Job Interview Answers

Written by Sanjib Ahmad

Last week I found an interesting book called Ultimate Guide To Job Interview Answers. Having myself hired many people I was intrigued whatrepparttar book had to offer. Of course before being responsible for hiring people, I had been onrepparttar 142320 opposite side ofrepparttar 142321 table -- being interviewed.

I have seen 90% of job interviews going overrepparttar 142322 same old questions, again and again. Sometimesrepparttar 142323 questions were funny and sometimes they were just irritating. This is because of "allocation of labor" --repparttar 142324 HR may not understandrepparttar 142325 exact requirements of R&D. Even ifrepparttar 142326 candidate is perfect for R&D,repparttar 142327 person may get screened out duringrepparttar 142328 selection process.

Coming back torepparttar 142329 book, I surfed throughrepparttar 142330 authors comments, customer testimonials and table of contents ofrepparttar 142331 book. When I went through some ofrepparttar 142332 sample questions, I felt that this is what I would have asked if I wererepparttar 142333 interviewer.

Here are some interview question/answer I found interesting.

Q. What have you learned from your mistakes? A. "Good question. Well, I have been successful at every job I have had, but I have hadrepparttar 142334 normal ups and downs. I'd say that I do actively try to monitor my work habits andrepparttar 142335 quality of my work so that I can constantly be improving myself. FOR EXAMPLE, I have had one or two hiccups with customers where their satisfaction was not where I thought it was. I learned that I have to really monitor certain difficult customers closely and "take their temperature" so I can keep their satisfaction level as high as possible. Have you had any customers like that here?"

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