How to Create What You Want

Written by Judi Singleton

How to Create What You Want

The time has come, we are livingrepparttar fifth dimension. What we wish for is coming true in an instant. More people than ever before are creatingrepparttar 123226 world they want. They are finally aware that they are co-creators of this world. Some have stopped being victims and realize what they think and meditate on manifest. Our thoughts effect us in many ways. They create our preception ofrepparttar 123227 world. As we preceive our world so it is for us. So if you think abundance in health, wealth, prosperity, friendships, love so it is your world. So not only our positive thoughts or affirmations materialize but our worry thoughts. If you knew that thinking about sickness would make you sick, would you stop thinking those thoughts? If you knew worrying about money would cause lack would you stop worrying about money? Let's use an example. I am out of work so I think I will not be able to pay my bills. These are worry thoughts and if I continue to worry them and hang on to them, I create lack in my life. If I affirm that I am prosperous, that money to pay my bills is coming to me now,repparttar 123228 whole universe responds to my thoughts and making these thoughts come true.

How To Dream Solutions

Written by Judi Singleton

Author: Judi Singleton Subject: Creative Imaginations Published: March 11th 2004

How to Dream Solutions Carey was flying throughrepparttar black night sky. She feltrepparttar 123224 wind in her hair and smelledrepparttar 123225 dampness below her. When she looked down she knew how high she had flown and was afraid. Yet it is exhilarating too. She sees someone down below looking up at her. He can see her flying she wrapsrepparttar 123226 black cloak she wears around her so he will not be able to see her flying. Then she woke up. Rubbing her eyes, wondering for a moment where she was. Oh, it was only a dream or was it a dream? It seems so real.

Whether they are illusionary likerepparttar 123227 one above or profound dreams They oftencan help us to actualize our waking goals Dreams often. indicate personal growth spurts. They are not prophesy like inrepparttar 123228 bible but if you can dectect within their illusionary, spiritual atmosphere a clue they can help you to know which way you want to go.

When my friend Carey first told me about this dream, her goal was to start writing again. She had lost touch withrepparttar 123229 creative side of herself. She had a good job. She had a happy marriage with two wonderful kids.

She used her creativity in her job as a window designer. She was creative with her children. But none of this was enough. She wanted to write again. Only her writing had ever made her

feelrepparttar 123230 full extent of her creativity. She loved every inute ofrepparttar 123231 process She lovedrepparttar 123232 research,repparttar 123233 words. Oh how she loved words. through words she found her personal power. She lovedrepparttar 123234 of writing downrepparttar 123235 words it seemed to her that she was nifesting something new into physical reality. It made her feel like was flying. So back torepparttar 123236 dream of flying throughrepparttar 123237 night. She also feared that she was not good enough to become a freelance writer

that could make a living with her stories. She wrappedrepparttar 123238 cloak around her her so no one could see her flying.

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