How to Create Products and Make Money - The Simplest,, Easiest Way

Written by Robert Kleine

Having trouble coming up with product ideas? Did you know that there is a product that you can create in as little as one afternoon?

An interview isrepparttar easiest way to create a new product for you to sell online or off. By far! Let's talk about it.

There are generally three ways to conduct an interview:

In person (face-to-face interview) By telephone By email

In this article I will be focusing onrepparttar 119828 "telephone" interview.

Many beginners find interviewing a daunting experience and avoid doing interviews even when it could benefit a project they're working on or be a new product in itself.

Beginners Tip: To overcome your nervousness practice, and then practice some more, on your family and friends before ever requesting your first "phone" interview.

Below you will find a few tips for whenrepparttar 119829 day arrives and you need to conduct THE INTERVIEW ...

Tools you will need:

Cassette Recorder Online Seminar Service (with recording capability) Notebook and Pen

Background Research:

Do your homework onrepparttar 119830 person before doingrepparttar 119831 interview.

This could involve search engines,repparttar 119832 library, andrepparttar 119833 who's who directory etc.

Having some background knowledge will give you greater self-confidence and will help you to ask more interesting questions

Interviews can be 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour or overrepparttar 119834 course of a month or more depending onrepparttar 119835 subject andrepparttar 119836 focus ofrepparttar 119837 interview.

When you make a time forrepparttar 119838 interview propose to take at least 30 to 45 minutes.

Suggest torepparttar 119839 person you are interviewing that they findrepparttar 119840 most comfortable place in their home or office to dorepparttar 119841 interview. Being comfortable and in their own environment will put them at ease and makerepparttar 119842 interview process much simpler.

Preparing Questions:

Rule #1 Don't ask stupid questions... ask questions based onrepparttar 119843 research you performed and on

items of interest brought up duringrepparttar 119844 interview.

Prepare your list of questions in advance jotting downrepparttar 119845 questions and points you want to ask in brief heading form (they should be used only as a point of reference duringrepparttar 119846 interview).

Listen carefully and establish a relaxed style of questioning.

Allowrepparttar 119847 questions to flow according torepparttar 119848 context, glancing at your list to refresh your

memory or fill a long pause inrepparttar 119849 conversation.

Be open to new questions and new points raised duringrepparttar 119850 interview. Flexibility in your interviewing style will allow you to pursue interesting or relevant

sidelines as they come up.

Don't worry about ending up with more information than you expected. If it's valuable information it will only make your audio product more valuable.

If you are planning to use a cassette recorder, make sure you checkrepparttar 119851 batteries, cassette tape and volume BEFORE you beginrepparttar 119852 interview.

Always ask permission to record BEFORErepparttar 119853 interview starts, and then get started on the

interview. Few people object to being recorded but if they do, just use your notebook.

Using a recording device helps establish an easy-going communication between you andrepparttar 119854 person you are interviewing as you are not constantly having to check your notes.

Small Business Marketing: Are You Using a Net or a Spear

Written by Jeremy Cohen

When I was back in college, over a decade ago, I decided that when I was done I would run off to Alaska and work inrepparttar fishing industry. The lure of hard menial labor andrepparttar 119827 outdoorsman’s life seemed so tantalizing to me after having toiled away in academia, not just forrepparttar 119828 past four years, but for most of my life.

I learned as much as I could aboutrepparttar 119829 fishing industry: working on boats, atrepparttar 119830 docks and in canneries. I learned that one ofrepparttar 119831 popular techniques used by commercial fishing companies is to cast huge nets between ships miles apart and drag them throughrepparttar 119832 sea capturing anything unfortunate enough to get snarled. While this technique netted prolific amounts of fish,repparttar 119833 vast majority ofrepparttar 119834 catchcould not be sold atrepparttar 119835 market.

What a waste! Not only do these companies unnecessarily deplete a precious natural resource they also waste their valuable time and energy setting and hauling in nets and then sorting through their catch to identify and pluck marketable fish fromrepparttar 119836 masses.

While large fishing companies can afford to expend their resources in such a manner, as a small business owner, you would be ill advised to follow such a path when fishing for new clients. Small business marketing tactics must be much more precise and efficient to be viable.

To continue our fishing example, consider a tribesman from a pacific island. Instead of employing large nets a tribal fisherman will stand and wait, knee deep in water known to be plentiful withrepparttar 119837 type of fish he seeks with only a spear in hand. When a fish swims by he lunges with his spear and voila! Dinner is served, or at least caught. The tribesman’s method is highly efficient and effective.

The methods you employ when marketing your small business or professional service firm should minimize waste and maximize sales.

Are you using a marketing net or a marketing spear to find new customers?

Size Matters A marketing net can take many forms. One ofrepparttar 119838 most common forms of marketing with a net is investing inrepparttar 119839 belief thatrepparttar 119840 largerrepparttar 119841 group you market torepparttar 119842 betterrepparttar 119843 chance of developing new business. This type of thinking could not be farther removed from reality. You can much more effectively generate quality leads and sales by focusing your marketing efforts on a smaller yet highly specific audience.

If you’ve ever placed a display ad in your local newspaper, paid for banner advertising on a popular web site or paid for a radio or TV commercial only to be disappointed by a meager response there is good reason dissatisfaction.

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