How to Communicate with a Left-brained Person

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach

Left-brained? Think of Joe Friday on “Dragnet.” “The facts, m’am, justrepparttar facts.”

Left-brained people are linear and sequential, focus onrepparttar 101517 literal meanings of words, like logic and reason, and often score low on ‘reading’ nonverbal communication such as gestures and expressions.

P.S. We’re both a little of both, and to get into “whole brain thinking,” develop your Emotional Intelligence. Go here: to take a free online Brain Dominance Test.

1.Give A reason (one will do), and answerrepparttar 101518 direct question.

SAY: “No I haven’t completedrepparttar 101519 Pleading. I had to filerepparttar 101520 Motion to Compel first. It had priority.” DO NOT SAY: “I was too busy,” “I had too much to do,” or “I had to do something else.” (anticipate - “Did you or did you not, and if not, why not?”)

2.Quantify and avoid vague references to time and money. Do not use words like “something,” “stuff,” “a long time.” Avoid ‘superfluous’ adjectives’.

SAY: “It will take 4 days to get your shirt back fromrepparttar 101521 dry cleaners. If I take it in today, you won’t get it back in time for your trip on Friday.” DON’T SAY: “Don’t ask me to do stuff like that. It would take waaaaay too long.”

SAY: “This machine will cost you no more than $100 and no less than $50.” DO NOT SAY: “It’ll cost a lot,” or “We can’t afford that.”

3.Be serious. Avoid humor, sarcasm, double intendre or anything ambivalent or ambiguous.

SAY: “I will have that for you by 5:00 this afternoon.” DO NOT SAY: “You’re joking aren’t you? Tell me you’re joking.” (They aren’t.)

SAY: “I can’t do that by 1:00 and here’s why… You will have to ask someone else to do it.” DO NOT SAY: “In your dreams, or “Me and what 5 other people?” or “Sure” (sarcastically), or anything you counteract with gestures and expressions (rolling your eyes), as it will be missed.

4.Do not use metaphor.

SAY: “He talks that way because that’s how they teach you to talk inrepparttar 101522 military.” DO NOT SAY: “You can’t change a leopard’s spots.”

SAY: “I will do my best to convince him to come at that time.” DO NOT SAY: “I’d have to turn cartwheels.”


Written by Keith Emerson

The Questions You Should be Asking: Four Experts Tips

Now thatrepparttar job market appears gradually more optimistic, people are dusting off their resumes and preparing to head into interviews. Once things really turn around, however, it is likely that you will not berepparttar 101516 only one applying for any given position. Many key members of organizations who have been working lean and waiting forrepparttar 101517 economic climate to improve may be floodingrepparttar 101518 job market simultaneously. And that means competition may be fiercer than ever when you do head in for an interview inrepparttar 101519 near future. The most important thing to remember is to be prepared Of course, you should emphasize your transferable skills, analytical thinking abilities and previous accomplishments, but remember to do your homework aboutrepparttar 101520 company you are applying to. Hiring managers want to hear what you can offerrepparttar 101521 company and an excellent way of proving that is going torepparttar 101522 interview well versed inrepparttar 101523 major products and services ofrepparttar 101524 organization,repparttar 101525 divisions and parent company with which it is affiliated, and it’s main competitors and key customers. Appearing atrepparttar 101526 interview prepared not only to answer questions but also to ask them will prove torepparttar 101527 interviewer that you are serious about this position and are a candidate who both prepares thoroughly and thinks ahead. In researchingrepparttar 101528 company, check their website, annual reports and past and present press releases to get a clear picture of whererepparttar 101529 organization has been and where it is going. Use as an example a recent challengerepparttar 101530 company has had to face or is facing and offer a well-thought-out solution or indicate ways that your presence would have helpedrepparttar 101531 situation. This showsrepparttar 101532 value and insight you can bring torepparttar 101533 table. Most interviewers will ask you if you have any questions for them duringrepparttar 101534 interview. Have your questions prepared, but be ready to develop at least one that is relevant torepparttar 101535 discussion you just had withrepparttar 101536 interviewer.

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