How to Collect Physical Mold Growth Samples for Low-Cost Mold Laboratory Identification of Mold Species

Written by Phillip Fry

How to Collect Physical Mold Growth Samples for Low-Cost Mold Laboratory Identification of Mold Species

VANCOUVER, CANADA. Many property owners, apartment landlords, renters, employers, and employees want to know, and need to know,repparttar precise identities ofrepparttar 113750 various mold species infesting their moldy house, rental unit, or place of employment, according to Phillip Fry, Certified Mold Inspector and author ofrepparttar 113751 book Do-It-Best-Yourself Mold Prevention, Inspection, Testing, & Remediation. The accurate identification of mold species requires two steps: (1) physical collection of mold samples fromrepparttar 113752 moldy building; and (2) mold laboratory analysis ofrepparttar 113753 collected mold samples. The least costly way to collect mold samples isrepparttar 113754 do-it-yourself approach carried out by gathering actual samples of mold growth to submit for mold laboratory analysis ($20.00 or more fee per sample analyzed).

Bulk Physical Mold Sampling If a property owner or occupant sees mold growing on a wall, ceiling, floor, heating or cooling duct register, or any other surface, he can scrape mold particles offrepparttar 113755 mold growth area into a small ziplock bag. Collecting such a physical sample is “bulk mold sampling” or “physical mold sampling.” During such scraping ofrepparttar 113756 mold growth,repparttar 113757 tester needs to wear rubber gloves and a full-face respirator mask with organic vapor filters (such asrepparttar 113758 3M brand from a large hardware, home improvement, or safety store). To dorepparttar 113759 scraping, use a new or thoroughly disinfected (with ethyl or rubbing alcohol) paint scraper. Disinfectrepparttar 113760 scraper after each individual sampling to remove any possible mold contaminants, and thus avoid mold cross-contamination inrepparttar 113761 sampling process from one source or location to another. Print clearly and neatly on a large pressure sensitive labelrepparttar 113762 property owner’s name,repparttar 113763 property address,repparttar 113764 precise test location at that address,repparttar 113765 testing date, andrepparttar 113766 type of sampling method (“bulk sample”), along withrepparttar 113767 tester’s name and contact information. The label should also include each individual test number, as listed onrepparttar 113768 mold chain of custody form, available free fromrepparttar 113769 mold laboratory. Attachrepparttar 113770 label torepparttar 113771 ziplock bag containing that respective, numbered mold sample. Alternatively,repparttar 113772 tester can scraperepparttar 113773 mold particles directly into a mold test kit (Petri dish) to startrepparttar 113774 growing (“culturing”) ofrepparttar 113775 mold sample. This “viable testing” growth process takes 5 to 7 days for accuracy in mold species identification. The tester can then either watchrepparttar 113776 test kits for mold growth, or sendrepparttar 113777 mold test kit torepparttar 113778 mold lab immediately, or afterrepparttar 113779 self-observation growth period. Another bulk physical sampling technique is to cut out a small section (no larger than 2 inches by 2 inches) of a building material or home furnishing that contains significant mold growth. Then, put that cut piece into a small ziplock bag, or press firmlyrepparttar 113780 moldy side down into a mold test kit. Followrepparttar 113781 same labeling instructions explained above. Examples of moldy materials from which bulk samples can be cut for mold lab analysis are wood timbers, drywall, plasterboard, wallpaper, ceiling tile, carpeting, padding, heating/cooling system filters, clothing, furniture upholstery, and any other favorite mold food.

Natural cure for Flatulence (wind)

Written by Disco Stu Collins

Why does it always happen in a crowded elevator? That's what I'd like to know. Or even worse, you are out with a potential new boyfriend or girlfriend, and you really want to impress, when all of a sudden, WOOMPPFF! Embarrassing or what???

But don't despair! The problem is probably a simple result of eatingrepparttar wrong foods or too much beer. Lets check out some darn fine ways of dealing with bad smells that don't cost much, and are totally natural.

Tip 1 - try eating 'activated charcoal'. Charcoal tablets absorbrepparttar 113749 gases that cause wind, and you can eat 'em inconspicuously several times a day ifrepparttar 113750 problem is really bad.

Tip 2 - Chew food thoroughly. At we always chew our food 100 times, whether it needs it or noMore chewing means less air when you swallow, and less air means less ammo forrepparttar 113751 old 'asscannon'.

Tip 3 - avoid know 'hell raiser' foods like cabbage, beans, sweetcorn, brussel sprouts, spinach, squid and monkfish. Although high-fibre foods are useful in your diet, they can lead to bloating, and unpleasant sound effects, especially when fermeted internally with any kind of alcohol.

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