How to Coach Yourself

Written by David Wood

Some people are not in a position to work with a coach right now. Some are stretched financially, while some are still usingrepparttar “lone ranger” method. Other people might be uncertain about trying something new. So here is a brief, simple process I often use with clients that you can apply to you own situation i.e. coach yourself! And atrepparttar 128766 end ofrepparttar 128767 article I will mention how you can go even further than this using a professional coach. STEP 1) Clarify your goal Some of us are not moving forward simply because we have not set a goal that inspires us! Make it specific e.g. 20% increase in income by January 1. And you can stretch yourself, but keep it realistic. If you’re blocked, schedule creative time to play with ideas. Dream, cry, challenge. Ask someone. Create it! Don’t get hung up onrepparttar 128768 ‘right’ goal, just pick something exciting that takes your fancy – then trust yourself, and move to Step 2). STEP 2) Plan What overall strategy(s) will you use? For example, to lose weight, will your strategy be dietary, exercise based, or a combination? To increase income will you increase your knowledge, switch employers, network, or improve performance. For this stage you will also set your milestones to achieve alongrepparttar 128769 way, with deadlines attached (say every 3-6 months). Also listrepparttar 128770 tasks to achieve alongrepparttar 128771 way in between milestones.

Time to Risk More

Written by David Wood

(Note to reader: As always, of course you need to be willing to take all consequences of your actions.) 100 people aged 100 were asked: “What do you regret most? What would you do differently?” The majority answered: “I wish I had risked more”. We regretrepparttar things we don't do, far more thanrepparttar 128764 things we do. Fear STOPS us living. We get a sense of security.... which can be upset at any moment anyway. Control is an illusion - we can't control events. So it’s a sad joke on us humans thatrepparttar 128765 people who try hardest to live in their comfort zones get upsetrepparttar 128766 most. Once we accept that we can’t control life, and that comfort is not very fulfilling, we are free to risk. What can happen? Rejection, moving into a smaller home, losing our partner, breaking an arm, losing a job we like etc. But above all we fear looking silly, foolish, or failing at something. What would your life be like if forrepparttar 128767 past 10 years you had lived without fear? What if life is a game, and we've forgotten? We attach significance to everything - no I can't ask her out because XXXX, I shouldn't apply for that job - I wouldn't get it. I'm not going to take singing lessons - I'm not any good. If you feel you are at risk of regretting not fully living your life when you lie on your death bed, I invite you to completerepparttar 128768 following exercise:

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