“How to Choose the Right Sportsbook!”

Written by Daniel B. King

So you have decided to start betting online – or maybe you just want to find a new trustworthy sportsbook – what do you need to look out for?

Well I am in a position to speak from some experience – I did at one time hold accounts with about sixty bookmakers in Europe, UK, Australia and offshore –repparttar latter catering mainly torepparttar 133155 US market. I have had at least three online sportsbooks go broke on me – luckily my losses were kept to a few thousand dollars – that may sound a lot but it could have been a lot worse.

It is not that easy finding a reputable sportsbook – partly becauserepparttar 133156 web is populated by website owners who will singrepparttar 133157 praises of a sportsbook or casino simply because they earn revenue from signing up customers via an affiliate program. Often these website owners know nothing about betting, do not hold accounts withrepparttar 133158 sportsbooks they are advertising and have not researchedrepparttar 133159 companies they are involved with.

You are keeping your money in an account online. Therefore you should think ofrepparttar 133160 sportsbook you are considering as a bank – a place that you intend to keep funds long term.

So what do you look for:

1.Read press articles as opposed to reviews – reviews are usually written byrepparttar 133161 sportsbook’s marketing team.

2.Test runrepparttar 133162 software by joining and playing for free – most sportsbooks offer this facility.

3.Find out if your funds are insured or separated in ESCROW accounts so that ifrepparttar 133163 sportsbook company goes under – your funds are still safe.

4.Find out ifrepparttar 133164 sportsbook is independently audited.

5.How long hasrepparttar 133165 operation been online – three to four years is usually a good marker as a minimum.

3 - Pointer by Gary Whittaker

Written by Gary Whittaker

3-pointer by Gary Whittaker

Point 1 - Red Sox Win! Red Sox Win!

There will NOT be a bigger sporting event this year thanrepparttar saga that wasrepparttar 133154 200 ALCS betweenrepparttar 133155 little Red Sox team defeatingrepparttar 133156 big bad Yankees. The stories involve Pedro Martinez callingrepparttar 133157 whole damn Yankees as his "Daddy", to Mariano Rivera coming back to pitch in game 4 after 2 "shocking" deaths in his wife's family. From Schilling making baseball a MAN'S sport by pitching off a bleeding ankle, torepparttar 133158 Red Sox making HISTORY withrepparttar 133159 1st EVER come from behind 0 games to 3 to winrepparttar 133160 best of 7 game series. If it took a home run race between McGuire and Sosa to breakrepparttar 133161 all-time record to bring life back to baseball,repparttar 133162 2004 ALCS will be known for bringing excitement back to a nation that was in dire need of a diversion from 9/11, Presidential debates, and war. Although this battle was a far cry from a David vs. Goliath, people still tried to make it seem as though it was. New York had history, tradition, andrepparttar 133163 Curse ofrepparttar 133164 Bambino on their side, not to mention a 182 MILLION dollar payroll (that's in 1 baseball season folks!). The little old Red Sox had only 125 Million dollar payroll (number 2 afterrepparttar 133165 Yankees, and another 24 million ahead ofrepparttar 133166 number 3 Angels), an almost 9 decade drought, and that big curse against them. It will be interesting to now see what comparisons are drawn to a Cardinal team that is nearrepparttar 133167 middle ofrepparttar 133168 pack (11th overall) with a whopping 50 million dollars less thanrepparttar 133169 Red Sox. I think this one will be over whenrepparttar 133170 fat lady sings, asrepparttar 133171 Sox will berepparttar 133172 Fat Lady making fried chicken out ofrepparttar 133173 Cardinals.

Point 2 - Big Cecil, Big Debts

Detroit loved Cecil Fielder, who made over 47 million dollars during his career as a major leaguer. Cecil "Big Daddy" Fielder was one ofrepparttar 133174 first inrepparttar 133175 modern day era to bring Home Run hitting overrepparttar 133176 50 mark in 1990, something that had not been done inrepparttar 133177 American League for almost 30 years. 13 seasons, 319 Home Runs, 1 World Series ring, and 47 million dollars later, Big Daddy is in hiding over debts owed to various groups or people. Forrepparttar 133178 average man, it is unfathomable that someone who can own a 50 bedroom house, purchased for only 3.7 million (less than 10% of his career earnings), can now be over 9 million dollars in debt...and in hiding. With Cecil inrepparttar 133179 midst of a divorce, we can only hope that Cecil getsrepparttar 133180 help he needs, declares bankruptcy, and moves on. The life of luxury may be over for him, but that does not mean he needs to ruinrepparttar 133181 rest of it.

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