How to Choose the Right Job Candidate

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach

You’re having trouble with an employee. After trying different things, you realize you hiredrepparttar wrong person inrepparttar 104449 first place. Has this happened to you? If so, here are tips on how to hirerepparttar 104450 right person inrepparttar 104451 first place:


Consider paying a writer to interviewrepparttar 104452 person currently inrepparttar 104453 job and to writerepparttar 104454 description. Make a check list of necessary credentials, training, skills and academic degrees.


Think through bothrepparttar 104455 requirements ofrepparttar 104456 job itself, andrepparttar 104457 people with whom they’ll be working and write it out.

For instance, I worked with a company with 3 partners hiring their first support person. They knew what skills they needed, but overlookedrepparttar 104458 fact thatrepparttar 104459 most important trait in a support person is their willingness to help. They needed someone who could get along in this small office of four. Answering to three bosses requires patience and resilience. They need to be centered enough to demandrepparttar 104460 bosses prioritize tasks, and flexible enough to switch tasks continually.


Irritability and complacence, dominance and curiosity show in facial gestures, in tone of voice, in speed of speech and movements. Work with a coach to learn more about reading nonverbal communication.

Assess also withrepparttar 104461 StrengthsFinder® profile (see below). Someone with Command for a strength doesn’t like to be given orders and is not a good choice for a support position, unless you like to ride a bucking bronco.


Extraverts derive energy from other people, while people drainrepparttar 104462 introvert. What doesrepparttar 104463 job require? Keep in mind, though, that it has a lot to do with being in control ofrepparttar 104464 flow ofrepparttar 104465 people. Introverts, surprisingly, can make some ofrepparttar 104466 best salespeople.


Innate strengths are things we’re naturally good at that don’t drain our energy.

The StrengthsFinder® profile, from Gallup, is a dynamite profile inrepparttar 104467 hands of an expert interpreter. It will tell yourepparttar 104468 person’s top 5 innate talents using terms such as Focus, Deliberativeness, Relator, WOO (winning others over), Maximizer, Futuristic, Harmony, and Positivity.

Example: A CEO I worked with needed an employee to do due diligence. Deliberativeness is exactlyrepparttar 104469 quality for this. People with this strength do “due diligence” as naturally as you draw a breath. They are innately cautious, don’t jump to conclusions, and anticipate loopholes and problems.


How does this person get along with people? How well do they manage their own emotions? How to they handle themselves under pressure?

It Starts with the Selection Process: Prevention is the Best Cure

Written by Susan Dunn, MA Psychology, Emotional Intelligence Coach

How many times have you heard this when talking with an experienced coach or consultant.

You say: 1.My department is not making quotas. I’ve provided training. I motivate. What am I doing wrong?

2.My marketing department head does good work, but alienates her employees. What am I doing wrong?

3.How come Adam’s department is running so smoothly, and Maribeth’s isn’t? What am I doing wrong?

4.How come I can’t motivate this employee? What am I doing wrong?

They say: [As you watchrepparttar wheels turning as they think over all they know and all they’ve seen, and keep going back torepparttar 104448 root cause] It starts withrepparttar 104449 selection process.

Asrepparttar 104450 president’s advisor had signs placed around saying, “It’s stillrepparttar 104451 economy, stupid,” we should all have signs placed around our office saying, “It starts withrepparttar 104452 selection process, stupid.”

I’m not fond ofrepparttar 104453 use ofrepparttar 104454 word ‘stupid,’ however it makes a point here. Our folklore is full ofrepparttar 104455 wisdom ofrepparttar 104456 ages:

·You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

·You can’t spin gold out of straw.

·You can’t put a round peg in a square whole.

·Allrepparttar 104457 hunting inrepparttar 104458 world won’t produce game if there aren’t any there inrepparttar 104459 first place.

·You can’t teach a pig to sing. You will frustrate yourself and greatly annoyrepparttar 104460 pig.

If you’ve chosenrepparttar 104461 wrong person inrepparttar 104462 first place, there isn’t much you can do. No, Chester, not even YOU.

Therefore, you will save yourself great frustration time and money if you chooserepparttar 104463 right person forrepparttar 104464 job inrepparttar 104465 first place.

Let’s go back to this selection process and look at some ofrepparttar 104466 things you can do to insure a better “fit” inrepparttar 104467 first place.


Yes, you need a job description. I’ve never seen a good one, but you need one. This will coverrepparttar 104468 rudiments –repparttar 104469 basic requirements, and this isrepparttar 104470 easy part.

You will know what credentials, training, skills and academic degreesrepparttar 104471 candidate needs. Then dorepparttar 104472 check list and you’re ready forrepparttar 104473 hard part.


Next, I suggest you take a look atrepparttar 104474 sort of personality you need to have inrepparttar 104475 position. The personality ofrepparttar 104476 person you’re looking for will be determined byrepparttar 104477 requirements ofrepparttar 104478 position itself, and then byrepparttar 104479 people this person will be working under, and with.

Takerepparttar 104480 time to think this through and write it out. For instance, I was talking with someonerepparttar 104481 other day whose company consists of three “chiefs” and they are about to hire their first “Indian” (support person). He was intent on certain traits forrepparttar 104482 job, but was going inrepparttar 104483 wrong direction. People often overlook thatrepparttar 104484 most important trait in a support person is “willingness to help.” Get someone with a helpful disposition.

In this case, it takes a special personality to answer to three bosses. It’s stressful. The person must be both centered and patient. They have to have a strong enough personality to insistrepparttar 104485 bosses establish priorities among themselves, andrepparttar 104486 patience to work this through (because they won’t), and to be able to switch tasks on a moment’s notice. They need flexibility and resilience.

How do you assess for this? One way is inrepparttar 104487 interview. You can look for an easy disposition by their behaviors with you. Irritability and complacence show in facial gestures, in tone of voice, in speed of speech and movements. Work with a coach to learn more about reading nonverbal communication.

You can also assess fromrepparttar 104488 StrengthsFinder® profile (see below). Someone with Command for a strength doesn’t like to be given orders and is not a good choice for a support position, unless you like to ride a bucking bronco.

Another trait to look for is introversion and extraversion. Extraverts derive energy from other people, while people drainrepparttar 104489 introvert. Considerrepparttar 104490 demands ofrepparttar 104491 job, and hire accordingly. Keep in mind, though, that it has a lot to do with being in control ofrepparttar 104492 flow ofrepparttar 104493 people. Introverts, surprisingly, can make some ofrepparttar 104494 best salespeople.

Keep in mind that people take jobs forrepparttar 104495 money, not because they’d be good at it, or enjoy it, or be able to tolerate its stress, i.e., they apply for jobs they are unsuited for.

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