How to Choose the Best Treadmill for Your Lifestyle

Written by Deirdre Jones

When choosing a treadmill (or any piece of exercise equipment for that matter), there is a lot to consider. Many people tend to look atrepparttar price first, but you don't want to be a slave to a price.

When you're buying a car or house, you don't just look atrepparttar 138940 price; you consider durability and functionality (car) and location, schools, neighborhoods, etc. (house). You'll want to putrepparttar 138941 same effort in choosing your treadmill - it's just as important a decision. After all, your health is important to you, right?

Of course, first you'll need to think about several things before choosing a treadmill such as size, manual or motorized, how much use will it need to withstand, and maintenance issues.

If space is an issue, you may want to choose a model that folds for storage. There are several models that fold for storage these days.

If your treadmill is going to get lots of use from you and your whole family, obviously you'll want to invest more for a sturdier model. This means a heavier motor and more cushioning. Be sure to pay attention to construction also, which may be shoddy inrepparttar 138942 cheapest models.

Be sure to choose a treadmill with an adequate walking track (at least 48 inches long and 17 inches wide). And if you're going to be running, you'll need a longer track. And for comfort, select a treadmill that has a deck thickness of at least 3/4-inch or 1-inch if you plan to run as well as walk.

Milk: The Weight Loss Drug

Written by Michael Lewis

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------------ Milk: The Weight Loss Drug


----- Milk: The Weight Loss Drug

Lose Weight - Grab A Glass

---------------------------------------- In childhood, we heard it: Drink a glass of milk at every meal. Now TV commercials are toutingrepparttar 138860 weight-loss effects of milk and other dairy products. Can dairy actually keep weight under control? How is that even possible?

Michael Zemel, PhD, director ofrepparttar 138861 Nutrition Institute at repparttar 138862 University of Tennessee at Knoxville, has published numerous papers on this subject. He outlines his latest research inrepparttar 138863 January 2003 Journal of Nutrition, mouse studies showingrepparttar 138864 role of calcium in weight gain and fat storage.

Too many people drop dairy from their diets when they try to lose weight, he says. "They're shooting themselves inrepparttar 138865 foot when they do that. Dairy products contain literally hundreds of compounds that all have a positive effect on human health and enhancerepparttar 138866 fat-burning machinery," he explains.

Milk The Why & How

---------------------------------------- "When we cut dairy products, we sendrepparttar 138867 body a signal, to make more fat," says Zemel. "When your body is deprived of calcium, it begins conserving calcium. That mechanism prompts your body to produce higher levels of a hormone called calcitriol, and that triggers an increased production of fat cells."

High levels of calcitriol "tell" fat cells to store themselves inrepparttar 138868 body, he says. This increase in calcitriol also "tells" fat cells to expand, he says. "So you're getting bigger, fatter fat cells. And a lot of big, fat cells makes for a big, fat person."

Extra calcium in your diet suppresses this hormone, he says. Your body breaks down more fat, and fat cells become leaner, trimmer. A high-dairy diet can boost weight loss by about 70%.

But wait, there's more. "It turns out that milk, cheese, and yogurt are much more effective than calcium supplements or calcium-fortified foods," Zemel says. Why? Dairy products are a complex collection of compounds. Like phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables, there's more than vitamins and minerals in dairy products. "They are not classically nutrients, but are recognized as having beneficial effects."

Fat Calories Still Count, But Calcium Will Change Your Body Composition

----------------------------------------- Dairy isn't a weight-loss miracle, says Zemel. Calories still count. But even if you don't restrict calories, taking in more calcium will change your body composition. You're shifting calories from fat to lean body mass. "Onrepparttar 138869 scales, you may not see a change. But we've seen a loss of body fat," he says.

"We need to think of milk as more than a calcium-delivery vehicle," he says. "It's more than just calcium. It's high-quality protein, a collection of amino acids that provides positive effects on skeleton, muscle, and fat."

Zemel's research holds water, says Lara Hassan, MS, a nutritionist withrepparttar 138870 Cooper Clinic in Dallas. Indeed, "studies are showing that high calcium increases fat oxidation or fat burning, and that results in greater fat loss, and weight loss if it's a reduced-calorie diet.".

She cites one study in which obese men consumed two cups of low-fat yogurt a day, and made no other changes in their diet. They lost an average of 11 pounds overrepparttar 138871 course of a year.

Water Heavy Foods Tell Your Brain You're Full


Tomato juice, tomato soup, vegetable soup, water-heavy foods like these seem to trigger receptors inrepparttar 138872 stomach that tellrepparttar 138873 brain you're sufficiently fed, says Barbara Rolls, PhD, a professor at Pennsylvania State University and author of The Volumetrics Weight-Control Plan: Feel Full on Fewer Calories.

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