How to Calculate ROI (Return on Investment)

Written by Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy

ROI (Return on Investment) is probablyrepparttar most important calculation one needs to make to ensurerepparttar 100747 long-term viability of their business. It is not enough to build in a profit margin onrepparttar 100748 product or service being offered. One must track with proficiencyrepparttar 100749 amount of dollars being invested into attracting sales and how much ROI those dollars put back intorepparttar 100750 business. Ifrepparttar 100751 investment meets too little return, a product line is doomed to fail inrepparttar 100752 long-term.


Many experts seem to agree, “calculating an accurate return on investment (ROI) is not an easy thing to do.”

I do not intend to give you a thorough analysis ofrepparttar 100753 ROI calculation process. Calculating an accurate ROI is hard to do, but explainingrepparttar 100754 full scope of ROI calculations in less than 1000 words is far more difficult.

As such, this article is only intended to introduce you torepparttar 100755 basic concepts behind ROI calculations. Here is a very basic equation for calculatingrepparttar 100756 ROI:

ROI = [(Payback - Investment)/Investment)]*100

Your payback is actuallyrepparttar 100757 total amount of money earned from your investment in your company. Investment relates torepparttar 100758 amount of resources put into generatingrepparttar 100759 given payback.

You should run ROI calculations on both monthly and yearly timelines.


The actual amount of investment into a business is often misunderstood byrepparttar 100760 business owner. As a result, true ROI calculations for most small businesses are skewed.

Most small business owners make their mistake in this most necessary calculation, because they do not properly value their own time. Please note that when I previously defined “investment”, I stated that it relates torepparttar 100761 “amount of resources put into generatingrepparttar 100762 payback.”

Indeed, “resources” includes cash money. But, it also includes “human resources” or “time”.

If most small business owners would value their hours atrepparttar 100763 minimum wage, and calculate their time intorepparttar 100764 investment equation, they would soon realize that their small business is running inrepparttar 100765 red!

Some small business owners will finally run ROI calculations includingrepparttar 100766 human resources, and suddenly realize that they could make more money working a job. Ifrepparttar 100767 small business owner has been running their business for a really long time, struggling to make ends meet, they might see this calculation and close their doors once and for all.


I do not share this revelation with you so that you will close your business down. Quite torepparttar 100768 contrary. I share this with you so that you can seerepparttar 100769 big picture and start running your business in a way that will actually generate a real profit for you and your business.

Don't Forget About Offline Advertising

Written by John Smith

A lot of online based businesses forget about offline advertising. It is important to combine offline and online advertising together in your marketing campaign. You can market offline more effectively by targeting people that actually have access torepparttar internet. In all your advertising you want to include your web site address, e-mail or autoresponder addresses, andrepparttar 100746 e-mail address to subscribe to your e-zine. Below are 10 offline marketing ideas:

-Place classified or full page ads in print publications. The print publications should be computer or internet related.

-Post flyers in stores. They could be computer stores, software stores, libraries etc.

-Buy mailing lists and send direct mail. You should make sure that allrepparttar 100747 people onrepparttar 100748 mailing list are internet users.

-Buy commercial time on T.V. They can be during shows that are targeted toward internet users.

-Pass out your CD-ROM or diskette business cards at special events. It could be at trade shows, seminars, fairs, etc.

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