How to Buy The Right Binoculars For You

Written by Duane Brown

Binoculars are wonderful pieces of equipment that can enhance many of our daily activities including, birding, action sports, hunting, and even astronomy. Essentially binoculars take a distant image, enlarge it throughrepparttar use of lenses for viewing, all while remaining small and light enough to be mobile.

The actual makeup of most binoculars is fairly straightforward and simple. You haverepparttar 116062 lenses atrepparttar 116063 end ofrepparttar 116064 barrel calledrepparttar 116065 objective lens that gathersrepparttar 116066 light fromrepparttar 116067 distant image and focuses it onrepparttar 116068 lens closest to your eyes for viewing. Binoculars are really two small telescopes put side by side so that you can viewrepparttar 116069 desired image with both eyes instead of just one. This imparts some measure of depth of field, much more so than with a single scope.

When selecting a pair of binoculars you will immediately find that two numbers are used to describe their capability. These numbers are often expressed as "6 X 30" or something similar. Let's breakrepparttar 116070 code so you will know what these numbers mean.

The first number refers torepparttar 116071 magnification power ofrepparttar 116072 binoculars, or in other words how many timesrepparttar 116073 image is magnified. So ifrepparttar 116074 number is 6, that means thatrepparttar 116075 image that you view throughrepparttar 116076 lens is magnified 6 times it's normal siZe.

The second number has to do withrepparttar 116077 size ofrepparttar 116078 objective lens atrepparttar 116079 end ofrepparttar 116080 binoculars.It's good to know this number becauserepparttar 116081 largerrepparttar 116082 diameter ofrepparttar 116083 objective lens, usuallyrepparttar 116084 more light will be let in for viewingrepparttar 116085 distant image.

Now, let's put this information in use inrepparttar 116086 real world. You may think that it's best to just getrepparttar 116087 highest magnification that you can get for binoculars, but this is not true. At some point, hand holdingrepparttar 116088 binoculars will affectrepparttar 116089 clarity of a highly magnified image andrepparttar 116090 resulting shake will renderrepparttar 116091 magnification benefits useless. Generally speaking, anything above ten times magnification should be mounted on a tripod instead of handheld. So if you are planning to use binoculars for activities that do not allow you to be able to bring along a sturdy tripod, you probably want to stay with a pair of binoculars with 4 -7 times magnification.

Choosing The Right Telescope

Written by Duane Brown

Ever since Galileo, people have been pointing telescopes torepparttar heavens and expanding their view of this world by looking outside of it into other worlds. It can be a fascinating and rewarding endevour. You can even meet some very good friends this way as there are usually local star-gazing clubs within reach of almost anywhere inrepparttar 116061 country that offer plenty of companionship when using your telescope.

But how do you choose fromrepparttar 116062 wide array of telescopes that are being sold today? Well, first of all you need to understand just a couple of basic points about telescopes. One is that magnification is not reallyrepparttar 116063 most important characteristic of a telescope. That may seem very strange, butrepparttar 116064 truth is thatrepparttar 116065 most significant capability of a telescope is it's ability to gather light. After all, what good is a large image that you can barely see?

The light gathering capability of a telescope is usually in direct relation torepparttar 116066 size of it's aperture or it's light gathering lens or mirror. Now, you are probably thinking that you just need to get a telescope withrepparttar 116067 largest aperture possible then, but that is notrepparttar 116068 case. Somewhere alongrepparttar 116069 line there will be a tradeoff betweenrepparttar 116070 size ofrepparttar 116071 aperture and portability. So if you want to transport your telescope at all, you will want to make sure that it is not too heavy and bulky to be mobile. Remember that you will also most likely have to set up and adjust your telescope inrepparttar 116072 dark if your transport it, so having one that is very large can be a daunting task when you can't see what you are doing very well.

Onrepparttar 116073 magnification factor, you can adjustrepparttar 116074 magnification of almost any telescope throughrepparttar 116075 use of different eyepieces, so that is not a really important consideration when buying.

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